Thinking of buying a kats tank heater for my prius.And I am looking for info about doing it from anyone that has.How did you install yours??Any issues??Would you do it again??Would you do anything any differently???
Yes a tank heater heats the water and circulates it at the same time.It will get the fluid temps up to about 160 degrees in one hour. heres a link to what one looks like Northern Tool - Kats 1500 Watt Circulating Tank Heater - Model# 13150 customer reviews - product reviews - read top consumer ratings
I have had these on other cars......they do not circulate the fluid.....just heat it up and it circulates it's would any other block heater.....however the wattage on this unit is much higher then the block heater you would get at the dealer. 400 versa 1500 of this unit.
Ahh, that explains it. Another one of those mysterious devices to us southerners like engine block heaters, heated seats, ice scrapers, snow blowers, etc.
I would trade my seat warmer for a/c ventilated seats any day! BTW, that heating unit would make a good cheap source of hot water in my garage shop.:humble:
If the gallons per minute is high enough maybe it to could double as a tankless hot water heater for a log cabin in a pinch?
Apparently a member has installed a coolant heater in his Gen III and it appears he was happy with the results. I'm thinking about doing this, but I wonder what wattage to use... Thanks, Stockton
Companies like Temro also make circulation "tank" coolant heaters. There are also heaters, typically used for industrial engines, that fit into the lower rad hose A thermosiphon heater has a couple of checkballs and springs inside. Its VERY important to ensure the cooling system is properly bled before first use, or you will fry the heater When you plug it in, the element rapidly heats the coolant inside the little tank. The hot coolant expands and pushes out past the top checkball. Then the top checkball closes and the bottom checkball opens to draw in cold coolant. The cycle repeats The better tank-style heaters have a thermostatic control too
We have a Webasto diesel fired heater on our boat. It uses a magnetically coupled impeller to move the coolant, and is good for 43,500 btu/hr. Would that do the job? Tom