Sadly, the day came...two weeks to the day and about 400 miles later I finally was forced to do it. The dreaded first fill up...I can't believe it, my last car I would have had to fill up probably 3 times for twice the money...I really love this thing right now and now that I filled the tank it feels like its actually mine. :rockon:
Re: I knew this day was comming... I'm so sorry to hear that you had to break down and participate in such a dirty ritual. Personally, I try to avoid it as much as possible. Rock on! Enjoy your new Prius!
Re: I knew this day was comming... Wait until you get just over 6000 miles on it...your mileage will even be better.
Re: I knew this day was comming... Others have noticed this as did I...eventually, you learn better hybrid driving techniques from experience and theoretically, the system goes thru a break-in period. I doubted this myself, but did notice my mileage improved after several thousand miles.
Re: I knew this day was comming... My experience was the opposite. I got my best tank like the 2nd or 3rd fill (54mpg calculated) and have not been able to repeat it since.
Re: I knew this day was comming... There are reports - somewhat substantiated by Toyota - that the Prius "learns" your driving habits and adapts accordingly. Therefore, you adjust your driving to achieve better mileage and the car is adjusting its acceleration curve and cruising style to better match you. Some people have said that this takes about 1,000 miles. Anecdotally, many people - myself included - have reported decreased mileage after replacing the 12v battery. This wipes out the car's memory.
Re: I knew this day was comming... I have a couple hundred miles to go before my first fill-up (just got myself a new 2011 Prius III a couple weeks ago). Out of curiosity, how big is the tank? I used to have a 2004 and a 2009 (before both got totaled in separate situations), so I'm familiar with the car. Is the 2011 tank bigger?