After a little fender bender, i decided to fix everything my self. Pulled out the plastic fender, replaced the hood hinges and put on a new hood. Something different
Very nice and it doesn't clash with the blue. If I ever need to replace my hood I'm going to go with this one. Do you have a link for the source? Mick --- I am here: [ame=",-87.960137"]Google Maps[/ame]
The five axis kit came from Juiced Hybrid and the hood is made by Siebon and i got that from Unified Dist. in Ca.
Too much work, you have to remove the back glass. I ordered a rear cf spoiler that replaces the black one and comes out a little further
Question, you know how the factory hood has that "hump" in the center behind the "T" emblem? Does this hood still have that? Likely gonna get the OEM style Seiboin one, I know you have the other one so just thought I would ask. Thanks!