****Update I got a 2010 Prius for $14,000 with 77k miles**** Found it here: http://honolulu.craigslist.org/oah/ctd/2783750025.html Okay, My wife if 10 weeks pregnent with our first child. I have a 2006 Civic Hybrid, and was happy with it. Until I was shopping for strollers. The are so freaking big that I won't have room in the trunk for anything thing else. The HCH2 rear seats don't fold down too. Anyways i'm selling it. I am 90% sure I will be getting a Prius 2010 or newer. The other contender is the 2010 Insight. Because it's cheaper. But not by much. I have been looking on craigslist here in Hawaii. I have a feeling that the deals are buying all the used Prii. When I see a 3gen Pruis for sale by owner, it quickly disappears. There are alot of Dealers selling the 3rd Gen Prii. Price ranges from $21,900 to $22, 900 plus fees. KBB Private Party for a 2010 Prius II with 15,000 miles is $19,303 I have a few more months to wait and see if I can find one for $19,300. If i don't find a private seller, I'm stuck going to the dealer. My questions are? 1) For people that resently purchased a used Pruis, what did you pay? 2) The price between a new Prius and a Used Prius is about $3000-$4000. What is your input regarding buying a new one instead of a used one. Any significate difference with 2012 and 2010?
Re: Buying a Prius - Having 1st Babe and Selling Civic Hybrid 2 Exclusive: 2012 MY Prius - Changes and Additions | PriusChat 2012 Prius Mid-Cycle Refresh Official Details | PriusChat http://web.archive.org/web/20090609.../toyota-announces-prices-for-2010-89249.aspx? has a matrix of the old models and packages. Ignore the prices as they're very old and have been raised at least two times since that announcement. There were no significant changes to the 2011 model's content/options.
Re: Buying a Prius - Having 1st Babe and Selling Civic Hybrid 2 i highly suggest you get a prius v wagon. you'll need the extra trunk space. believe me, i have a 4 month old. Don't forget, after you have one, another is soon on the way.
Re: Buying a Prius - Having 1st Babe and Selling Civic Hybrid 2 ^^ For the OP, keep in in the 2012 Prius v (lowercase vee) wagon is larger and not to be confused with the former naming conventions for regular 2010 Prius models (II thru V; V as in Roman numeral five). Toyota later changed it to spelling out the words prior to the introduction of the vee wagon.
Re: Buying a Prius - Having 1st Babe and Selling Civic Hybrid 2 Thanks for the info. I did not realize there was a mid cycle refresh.
Re: Buying a Prius - Having 1st Babe and Selling Civic Hybrid 2 +1 to this suggestion. I recently got to see a V close up at my dealership. If your family might grow, a standard Prius might run out of room for you. The V seemed much more spacious.
Re: Buying a Prius - Having 1st Babe and Selling Civic Hybrid 2 The Prius should be good enough. I have a pickup to haul big stuff. I just need slightly bigger than a civic. But I will still look at it though.
Just make sure she isn't having twins, 'cause we had twins and that stroller was enormous. Good luck, bro! Having kids is great. Put in a lot of hard work for the first four months, lots of cleaning and waking up in the middle of the night. It gets easier after that.
Re: Buying a Prius - Having 1st Babe and Selling Civic Hybrid 2 She had an ultra sound and the is only one in there. Thanks!
Re: Buying a Prius - Having 1st Babe and Selling Civic Hybrid 2 Aloha and welcome aboard! Congratulations twice. Once in seeking the best hybrid and for the baby on the way. We have two boys and the standard Prius has plenty of room. I feel for your situation of there (lack of competition) as we have a similar situation of here. When they finally get the v over there, I suspect current owners will want to upgrade. That might provide an opportunity. You should put out a want add.
Re: Buying a Prius - Having 1st Babe and Selling Civic Hybrid 2 We have a son in college and another in high school. It doesn't get easier, just different While the Prius V might be a good choice with the additional room, the regular Prius does have a surprising amount of room, certainly more than the Insight.
Re: Buying a Prius - Having 1st Babe and Selling Civic Hybrid 2 And, I don't really like the way the Prius van looks.
Would it be cheaper to come to the Mainland to buy your car and ship it back to Hawaii? Just a thought. Mike
Re: Buying a Prius - Having 1st Babe and Selling Civic Hybrid 2 :lol::lol::lol: Prius van, that's funny!!! Hate to say it, but the v really is a soccer mom van...
I just bought this 2010 Prius for $14,000 out the door. Milage is 77,000. Leather Bluetooth Back up sensor Alloy wheels Keyless entry It was at a Lexus Dealer. What do you guys think? 2010 Toyota Prius Hybrid Hatchback 4D