We've got 3k miles on the v in our first 5 weeks and next week we're headed to Cocoa Beach (800 miles round trip) so 5k will be here before we know it. So far we're averaging around 44 mpg in mixed driving. No problems, wants, or desires (other than minor niggles). It has proven to be a good traveling car, comfortable and efficient. Just wondering if anyone else has crossed 3k yet?
Just registered 2800+ on mine yesterday the displayed MPG right now is 47.3. The calculated mpg is not as good. It is approx. 45.3 to 45.7 for about 8 fill ups. This is about 50% Pa. hills and 50% Florida driving (flat). About 20% interstate @ 70 mph. Very satisfied with the v's overall performance. I have only one minor complaint right now, and that is a squealling noise when the vehicle is moving the first thing in the morning. It only lasts a few hundred feet and then it quits. it sounds like a brake dragging. I plan on having it looked at shortly at the local Toyota dealer. There is another post here on this same noise.
I just went over 2400 miles. I am averaging between 38-44mpg but I am in cold weather, and LOTS of hills in stop and go traffic (nothing about a hybrid is going to help you when every traffic light is at the bottom of a 30 degree incline for a 1/4 mile). Still my Camry was getting 25mpg on the same trip.
I haven't noticed this on mine, but I will pay particular attention today to see if I hear anything unusual.
Any chance what you are hearing is the VPNS (vehicle proximity notification system)? There is a Toyota video out there that demonstrates it. It seems louder in the video than real life. It only operates up to 15 mph in pure EV mode. Another thing that it could be is the regenerative braking system. I've seen that sound described sort of like what you are talking about. I have not really heard either of these in our v. I have been trying to hear the VPNS without any success, but it is cold enough here that the gas engine is running a lot for the heater so rarely showing EV mode. Anyway, just a couple of thoughts. Oh by the way, we have had our v for 7 days and the wife has 1020 miles on it already.
No this sound is not the VPNS, I have heard that sound when I am moving the car into or out of the garage. I am pretty sure it is a brake rub, perhaps from the morning moisture. it seems to be coming from the rear wheels.