As I was driving in Atlanta afternoon traffic, someone in a larger Honda decided that he really, really needed to make the exit... From the left lane!!! This vehicle pushed me into a lane change right into the back of a stopping Chevrolet. I included a photo shows the damage a Prius exacted upon that heavy steel automobile. There was a quantity of pink fluid on the ground. The driver's side airbag deployed. I don't think the frame was bent but hood and inside fender was against the engine. The car is a 2008 Touring #2 with 88,880 miles on it. What do you think, fellow Prius drivers? Is it a total loss? Is it time to start shopping for another Prius?
Wow that was quite a hit. I think there's a pretty good chance that the insurance company will write it off. For your sake that would definitely be the best option. I'm glad that you're ok. That's some serious damge to the rear of the Chevy, man that was hard! Much as I hate to see photos like this of damaged Priuses, I've got to say that I am often impressed by how intact the Prius cabin seems to be, considering how much damage was done to the other vehicle.
Wow; sorry to see that and glad you're ok. I always say that Atlanta traffic is kinda like combat; gotta have the same wariness. I got rear ended a couple years ago on my 2006, and that was 1600 bucks on the other guys insurance just for a bent bumper and paint damage. I would at least get an estimate done and see if it equals the value of vehicle. It just may be a time to shop for a new one. Alternatively, there's a shop in S. Indiana, Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle PHEV that specializes in salvage Prii and this could be a good time to turn the wrecked car into a plug-in conversion.
couple points... 1) you claim it was a touring edition but it has base 15" wheels and no fogs and probably no HIDs 2) based on that impact i'm willing to bet it has frame damage and that car is done! start shopping for a new one (this time get a genuine touring if you can )
Okay, change that to a Prius Base with back up camera, aux jack, etc. The paperwork said Touring but I can't measure the tires right now. It's kind of in another town on a tow truck. Dollar value doesn't seem to be much different on NADA or Edmunds between the Touring and Base.
I think it will be close but may not be a total. The inverter did not get hit. But airbag deployment definitely adds a good chunk more to the cost. MB860 ?
One guideline I've heard is if the radiator supports are bent/disturbed in any way, then it's pretty much going to be a total. The fact that we're seeing coolant on the ground doesn't bode well. Private Party, that car is about $11k in good shape. Off the top, I see: Repair/replacement to left doors + repaint Airbag assembly on driver's wheel Front Bumper + repaint Radiator/hoses Right front fender + repaint Hood (Aluminum) + repaint Right front headlight assembly Possible repair requirements to A-pillar on the right side May need new left driver's mirror (unless it's just folded) Right front suspension components (unless frame is bent there) Not looking good - but at this rate, that's just the better approach. Take the money and apply it to something accident-free.
yes I think its a gone Prius all that bent ally is hard to get right, if the damage extends to the frame of the passenger compartment and/or the trans, they will scrap it. sorry man, but at least your ok ..
I am One Who Has Been There. My story from about three years ago: The car in front of me stopped to make a left hand turn. I stopped. The car behind me didn't. Result: Read completely smashed in, and they pushed me into the car in front so the front was completely smashed in. It makes your damage look like a small scrape. I thought for sure it would be considered totaled. Insurance company said nope, it got fixed (on their dime), and it drives good as new.
My guess totaled, Prius parts are not cheap, not sure how much labor is involved fixing a prius compared to other cars.
Airbags deploy = total loss. You have significant damage to the front and side. Several thousand for parts, then add several thousand more paint and labor. It is a $10K+ repair. That's a pretty scary looking accident, esp. what it did to the car in front of you.
Had a Mazda5 that the wife put a little nick in the front bumper and it wa totaled. The visible damage to the lower front is the only scratch on the car, topside that is.
Glad you're doing ok. Having lost our '04 just a few weeks ago, I feel your pain. I see from your avatar you joined just this year. What about your Gen II ownership. Recent? Long ago? How many miles did you have?
at least with a total, you can cash in on it's market value and buy a used prius. possibly even with nav. some private party deals are cheap. even a high mileage prius is a good prius.
Keep in mind, most cars have no frame and are unibody construction. Once a portion of the unibody is compromised, its very difficult to bend it back to normal, and even so it won't have the same strength as before.
I bought my first hybrid (2000 Honda Insight MT) in February. I liked it so much that I decided to go with getting a Prius for when I needed that backseat. I've had the Prius six months and have put 8,432 miles on it. I've put 11,245 on the Insight. As opposed to the Navigator which I've only put 4,777 miles on since February. Basically, I do too much driving. During this time beside my wicked commute each day there have been a couple trips to Disney World and Pigeon Forge. So, I do a lot of driving. The hybrids have really helped out my wallet when compared to the V-8's I was driving.