I didn't notice this last winter, but this year it seems that my 2005 is too warm in the cabin when I have the climate set to 65. I'm in MN, so usually have a fairly heavy coat on in the car in the winter. I seem to remember that 67-68 worked fine last year. Lately, the temps have been in the teens when I've been driving. My commute is under 6 miles. About halfway thru, the cabin's warm already; but I get home and the fan is still running at medium speed (set to Auto). And, I'm feeling too warm. Sometimes I try to knock the temp. down, but below 65 it goes to max cold (!), of course, and then I just go "DOH!" I believe I read in the early days of this forum some posts about the dealership being able to adjust that with the scantool. I'm not going to bother with that, as I avoid Toyota dealers and doctors (no offense, efusco!). rpm
I've only done a small amount of driving since the temps dropped and after starting out with the temp around 70 I noticed the ICE was running when I would stop. I dropped the temp to 65 and now the ICE would turn off as I hoped. I found the temperature to be very comfortable so I didn't feel the need to experiment any further. This was both during the day with the sun shining (a somewhat unusual occurance here lately) and at night. I wasn't wearing a heavy coat so perhaps that was a difference.
When drving long distances I do my best to drive in shirtsleeves. Meaning I drive the car for 30 minutes or so until the cabin has warmed up and then stop someplace convenient, take off my coat and continue on in the already warmed interior. This is something I did when I was in college. When driving home for a weekend or holiday I would usualy have a warm car by the time I got to the gas station. I'd fill up and then before leaveing I would get myself situated for the remainder of my trip and the car would be nice and comfortable. The car takes into account outside temperatures and sun entering the cabin to provide the right amount of heat or cooling. If the outside temperatures are quite cold, it is concievable that the car will generate a greater quantity of heat to bring the cabin to temperature so that it can hold it there efficiently. If you are wearing a coat which is comfortable in very cold temperatures, any inside temp which is decent will be too warm for you.
Yes! It is often too hot! I have found that if I drive for a long period, the temp settles out, but for shorter trips (like 1/2 hour) it blows hot air in my face (or feet) more than I like. Call me a ludite, but I prefer the old fashioned control where you controlled how much heat comes out, rather than controlling to a temperature. Anybody figure out how to hack into the temperature control? SteveT
I agree. 65 is way too high for a minimum. Especially when it decides that it has to get to 65 right away from the 20's or so. It then blows out really hot air which can be annoying. If it blew 65 degree air when set on 65, that might be acceptable.
that's where mine is set in the summer! my wife has an accord that I end up driving a lot because she likes to heist my Prius when I'm not looking. I can keep her climate control at 68 or so and be fine...but 68 (and even 65 lately) is cooking me in the Prius. I thought maybe a sensor or something has gone bad, but it sounds like that might be the way it is. rob
Question from a pending buyer... Is it possible to warm up the car when not diving? I know this isn't optimal for gas milage - but I have a common situation where it might come in handly. It's 20F degrees out, and a few of us collectivly have 10 minutes worth of crap to load into cars, before a two hour drive. During those 10 minutes, if the prius is left running, will it warm up the cab? Otherwise, I already have the same problem as the OP. I'm in a heavy coat and sweater (as it's 20F out), and a half hour into the drive, the cab heats up, I'll have to strip. -Ken
i have always thought 65 º was too high. i always have fan on low and toggle heat on and off constantly. its a pain
Sure, just jump in the car with your key, start it, and go about your loading. The car will cycle on and off, but it will heat the interior.
I usually try to keep my temp set at 65 and it has been fine--- up until today. There temps dropped here and the wind was blowing pretty good. I found I had to put the temp up to 76 to be comfortable. <_< I was able to lower it after about 20 minues (my commute is 45 minutes), but had to jack it back up again after stopping at the drive-in at the bank. I am sure that the wind made a difference, but I am not sure how - and YES - I did have the windows closed! :huh: