Does anyone know if the Dension Ipod unit that is being given away by Prius Chat will work on an '06? (I won't have a NAV system). Thanks Ken
The issue is the Changer. The Dension emulates a CD Changer and will conflict with the built in one in the Prius, if you have one. It seems like they are planning on offering an upgrade later. My guess they will emulate a MD changer like Vais does. Bob Doesn't list the '06 Prius as compatible. the 0'4 and '05 is listed. Does anyone on this board have one? How does it work in comparison to the VIAS unit? Same/better/worse features?
I talked to the salesperson at Dension, and she said it "should" work. I wish I had gotten a definitive answer, but it seems to me that if it works in the '05, it should also work in the '06. Ken
So poking through the dension site, I found this: User's Manual Seems to be pretty neat little device. I didn't see a manual on the viastech site, I'll keep digging. But from the reading, minus the aux input, it seems like a more configurable unit. Don't know if there is a sound quality difference, though you can do some sound adjustments on the iPod with this. It's tempting if I had the $199 (instead of $299 for the VIAS), and an iPod. I'm trying to find a release date, Best Buy is shown as an authorized dealer/installer, but they don't show it available yet. There isn't an install manul online yet for the Prius(Toyota) model. supports the following iPod models: All 3G models All 4G models 40/60GB Photo iPods (30GB w/ docking cable) 4GB/6GB mini 2GB/4GB nano Nothing about the video yet.
I have an ice>link plus in my Nissan Maxima on my Alpine head unit, so I can say this for it: it works well enough. There are definite bugs in the system (fwd/rev track sometimes skips the wrong way or skips over a song. The sound quality is as good as possible, and the control features are great when they work as expected ;-). I'd expect it would work as well on the Prius, as the hardware is identical (except the cable, of course). Whenever I get my Prius, I'm hoping I can upgrade my ice>link unit to the new firmware and get the required cable from Dension. The other *really* important thing to note is that Dension's support is basically non-existant. Getting them to answer technical or customer service issues is very difficult, and they stopped releasing regular firmware updates to fix bugs early this year.
I hope it works.. I'm trying to win the contest... I might send them an email on Monday asking about compatability/functionality/etc. See if they have any more info than what is on the site. As someone who does a lot of 'bug hunting/fixing' with software, I'd like a production unit that's been out for a bit to work reliably.
The ice>link like the iPod2Car emulate a CD Changer. If your Prius has a built in changer, there will be a conflict between the two devices. Since the changer is the only CD Player in the car, this will stop the CD Player or the ice>Link from working. If your Prius only has a single disc player and no external changer, there will be no conflicts and it should work. The radio in the Prius can understand a MD Changer: Vais takes advantage of this so there is no conflict with a CD Changer. I'm guessing that Dension, if they are smart, will do the same thing. Bob
I don't see any reason that it won't work with the '06, though Dension has not had a chance to test it with an '06 yet. Just so you know, it's available for ordering NOW on the PriusChat/Shop site:
Thanks for the info... If I'm lucky I might be able to snag one of these for christmas if I don't win one... ;-)