Hey guys and gals.... I simply can't wait any longer for my HOV stickers to arrive from Sacramento DMV they are telling me its another 6 to 10 weeks..... and I've been waiting 2 weeks allready. Hence I want to duplicate, print and glue some copies of the stickers onto my Prius untill the real ones arrive... yeah, yeah, I know propably highly illegal and all that crap....but the way I figure it is I'm allready driving the best Hybrid on the road and I've paid for my stickers - so why not enjoy the car pool lane a little earlier than allowed...... I am also aware that the stickers are somewhat reflective and even the best reproduced image on glossy photo paper ain't gonna reflect properly - but I'll take my chances....+ it'll only be for a few more weeks before my real ones arrive - what I need is some HQ photos of the attached stickers prefferably on a silver background - as it will make it easier to crop - in 'photoshop' More importantly I need the dimensions of the stickers hight and width - I've been trolling the parking lots, with my digital camera looking for a parked Prius with the stickers but no luck as yet... I'll also blur out the serial numbers so there is no trace back to the original owner of the stickers... Thanx in advance for your help - and for helping me make my nightmare comute across the San Fernando Valley - and down the 405 to the West side more bearable. Cheers all James
LOL. i won't help ya too much, but i'm sure you can search for this. if you look back to august? posts, there was tons of stuff!
It is called Forgery in California, and it is a felony punishable by up to three years in state prison. Anyone who aids and abets in the commission of such a crime faces the same consequences as the perpetrator.
Generally speaking, here's a definition of Forgery: the crime of creating a false document, altering a document, or writing a false signature for the illegal benefit of the person making the forgery. Since his payment has been recieved and it's simply a matter of a shortage of stickers, where is the 'illegal benefit'? Now, I'm not endorsing this, of course... Just playing a little Devil's Advocate here. Does the act of registering a vehicle for the sticker allow it in the lanes or is it the physical placement of the sticker itself? If the sticker was somehow destroyed, would the vehicle still be allowed in the lane without it? If this was the case and the vehicle was pulled over, would they still be issued a summons (or arrested if the officer was ticked off by the fake sticker)? Probably not a good idea. ;p
Get ready for a wait and with some of the anti-Prius sentiment out there you really should just relax for the next 6-8 weeks (that's how long it took for me to get mine). People get agitated enough when you go flying past them (solo) with legitimate stickers on your car, just imagine what they will do to your butt if you forge them. Additionally, just like the Handicapped placards, you MUST have the accompanying registration card in the vehicle at all times, something you cannot produce if stopped.
Yes the stickers need to be affixed in the correct positions and you need the card / paperwork with matching numbers to the stickers. But I can't imagine a CHP officer pulling somebody over because he thought the stickers were a forgery .... I know the CHP can be pretty hardcore sometimes but that sounds crazy. + the stickers aren't that big in the first place...now forged HOV stickers on the side of a Jaguar or Suburban might attract some unwanted police attention. The only problem I can forsee is either being stopped for speeding or getting into an accident - and then the stickers might come under some scrutiny......and seeing as it's almost impossible to speed on Los Angeles freeways durring rush hour comute my only real fear is an accident..... of all the crimes I could commit I doubt that I'd be sent to Jail over this one ..... not that I want to find out mind you ..... but saying all that It my risk and nobody else's. I'd change any visable numbers on the sticker in 'Photoshop' so there'd be no possible trace back to the owner of the real sticker. In the mean time I'll keep looking for some stickers to photograph...... geez lighten up people....I'm one of the good guys......
Actually, you make a good point, in fact I'm going to make up a few extra deductions and knock off the courthouse, so I can get my car this year and still get the 3 grand from the government that I so richly deserve.
Fingers crossed my stickers will arrive shortly and I won't risk public execution by displaying fake stickers on my hybrid I sent mine in on the 10th Nov so there is a good chance I'll get them soon if yours only took 3 weeks - I callled the DMV last week and they quoted me another 6 - 10 weeks hence my dismay and eagerness to use the carpool lane early..... On another note has anybody thought of buying a lifelike manequin (store front doll) dressing them up with hat and shades and putting them in the passenger seat and then taking the HOV lanes with there almost human passenger.......I've seen them on Ebay for $100 and they look very lifelike - I doubt a CHP officer on a Motorcyle driving by you as you take the carpool lane would give your 'dummy' passenger a second look - of course that won't be nesessary untill they either cancel or run out of stickers for the single drivers in the HOV lanes program anyway I don't expect it'll last forever .... and they've allready limited it to 70k vehicles. cheers
A car seat and blanket is much easier, and then they don't pull you over because your carpool partner doesn't have any legs (as discussed in a post several weeks ago). A friend of mine seatbelted his army bags in and put a hat on top. He got pulled over and the cop asked him about it. He was like, oh yeah, guess that does kinda look like a person, I was just trying to secure my bags. All he got was a ticket for using the carpool lane illegally. I don't know the exact reasons they didn't just say all hybrids were now allowed in the carpool lane, or give the valid make and models, but they didn't.
I know a few Moms up here in Santa Clarita ,in SUV's with multiple car seats and booster seats who take the HOV lanes without children in them, and they have never been stopped - so far - one person I know drives with an inflatable (not the sex kind) manequin in the front passenger seat - she was once car jacked (down town LA) late at night at a stop light - since then she will only drive with a 'pretend' male passenger in her car if she has to drive alone, especially at night. I think she bought the manequin from JCWhitney catalog - no idea if they still sell them or how much they cost - but I know they are sold for that purpose ie. to deter carjackings..... I guess car seats are good with blankets as long as your windows are tinted black - but most of the check point areas on the 5 and 405 / 170 freeways where I often see CHP checking for single users in the HOV lanes are looking straight on through the windshield for obvious passengers - so ideally you gotta have a passenger in the front seat to avoid a ticket..... I do not know mayby this whole idea is silly and I'm just throwing fuel on the fire....
James: Are you kidding me?????????!!!!???? I just picked up my Prius last week for the sole purpose of commuting from Santa Clarita to Century City in the HOV Lane. What takes weeks to send out a stupid sticker??? Jeff
Not sure what you mean ? Are you refering to the time the DMV takes to process our applications and send out the stickers ? I presume you are waiting for yours to arrive as well...... BTW Where did you buy your Prius from ? see ya in the HOV lane sometime soon I hope
just don't abuse the HOV stickers... have patience, or just go in the carpool lane w/out them and risk the ticket! =)
James: Yeah, I'm just impatient and can't stand govt bureaucracy. I'm preaching to the choir, I'm sure. Got mine at Frontier. They were the only ones who would give me a decent price for my Yukon trade-in. Jeff
Well they finally arrived and my patience has paid off - No law breaking was necessary thankfully - here's a peak at the 'real thing' in all there glory shown actual size !