I went to the Toyota site and saw you could still put in an order for one. It is Dec 3rd....Is it too late to enter an order?
It said there is availability in California still. So, I filled out the form. It said it was giving it to my dealership and to wait up to 36 hours to hear from them. People say they get a number, but I have not seen one yet...oh well. Guess I have to do what I have to do and wait.
As long as you were a pre-registrant you make the order and choose a dealer. It goes to the dealer. The dealer contacts you and you have to go in, settle on a price and leave a $500 deposit. They then confirm the order and you log back in and confirm the order that the price they entered is correct. Then wait until it is delivered... They will give updates every now and again on how the production is going. If you don't hear from the dealer after a day I'd begin calling....
Now that its clear there wasn't enough demand amongst the pre-registrants they should open up to others.
Isn't 10 percent fairly typical between expressing interest and actually following through? As for not providing the decision-making time people were promised, that would be rather cruel so close to the holidays when people are usually busy with big purchases anyway. .
Based on the spreadsheet, I am estimating about 3000 to 4000 people will place orders via the Preordering system. I am guessing that the price point might be too high - especially for the Advanced model. But this is just my opinion.
Not really. GM hasn't delivered calls all over the country yet. Ofcourse 54,000 expressed interest for a car "easily under" 30K and when there wasn't a Leaf in sight.
I'm not saying its a flop or anything, just that if they had 5,000 units available for pre-order and the early hand raisers have had their 96 hours to commit, I'd go ahead and open sales to other interested purchasers rather than stick it to them for not pre-registering. Doesn't matter to me, I actually pre-registered just to see what the e-mails would say, but I'm certainly not ordering another new car.
Early hand raisers have a month to decide if they want to order one. The 96-hour window refers to the time between when someone raises their early hand & they come to an agreement on price with a dealer.
I pregregistered, and got a note from Toyota on the 30th of November that it was not too late. Then I went to the web site, saw the 15th date on the FAQ's, and saw there was still availablity in California. That is why I filled out the form.... Haven't gotten any email back from toyota, not even a sorry your too late note, so I guess their computers were down over the weekend...
You log in and configure your Prius. At the completion, you get a confirmation number on the screen, and should immediately receive this automatic email from Toyota:
Well no word, and I re-entered my order again to see if I got a different screen. Via the chat line, it said call the dealer... Too much work. I think I will wait until March and then get a better deal.
LOL! I'm sorry. I can't help myself. Best to get back in and order SOMETHING. In springtime, you'll wish you had!!
I don't think it would be wise to assume you will get a better deal in March. I half wonder if you were just being sarcastic. You won't be getting a car in March unless you preorder. Heck, those of us who did preorder may not even get our cars until May.