can anyone let me know if they have found a location to successfully reprogram a used Smart Key fob from another toyota vehicle? we recieved a second key when we bought our 2010 used and were told it could be reprogrammed by a dealer, or by online instructions. this has not proved to be possible, as any online info only works for Gen II, and the security of the Smart Key seems to be enhanced. i know i could just give in to the dealership and pay the $400 for the new, programmed key, but i thought i would ask the community first. thanks for any help! by the way- we love this car- amazing to get better mpg and have such a more solid feel than our '05
Yes; here is the link with the info. I bought a couple of previously used smartkeys on eBay for about $40 each and has them reprogrammed for about $75 for the first and $40 for the second, when done together. You need to find an auto locksmith with Advanced Diagnostics (AD) equipment and the latest software. With the right smartkey, AD equipment & software, and lock smith, it works for about 1/3rd the dealer price.
I also bought a couple online and had them programmed by a local locksmith. The locksmith also had them in stock and was selling them for the same price as i bought them for. My reommendation: find the locksmith (locally) who can program them and ask if they sell the fobs as well. I'd have rather purchased them locally, but all's well that ends well. PS They were also able to cut the key as well - they didn't need to use the number (from that little metal tag) that came with the original fobs!
thank you both for your help- any ideas on tracking down who may have this software in michigan? no luck so far in the kalamazoo market.
You can also program used keys yourself if you have Techstream / MiniVCI and can get a seed code to reset the Smartkey computer. This also works when you "lose all keys" to the car.