Bad experience on a trade-in Last week, we purchased a Prius at FitzMall, and traded in our 14 year old Toyota Corolla. The book said that the Corolla was worth $1,000 if in fair condition, or $1,400 if in good condition. The appraiser looked it over, and came back to us with a trade-in price of $100. The reason: the "check engine" light had come on that day, which it would sometimes do, before going back off. The car was fully operational, having been well-maintained, and we had just recently replaced the breaks and had the lube changed for $1100, and overall the car gave us no serious problems. We had taken the Corolla to a shop to determine why that light would come on sometimes, then turn itself off. Diagnostics could find nothing wrong with it, no reason why the light would go off. We explained this to the appraiser, who insisted that the check engine light severely reduced the value of the car, and they would probably have to wholesale it, because they wouldn't be able to sell it to another customer. The appraiser went on to state that 14 year old Japanese cars with 150,000 miles on them had an extremely low value, and the check engine light had a 90% chance of being due to a faulty catalytic converter, and those cost $1,200 from Toyota. We pointed out that they had late 90s Japanese cars on their lot that they were selling for $2,000-$4,000. The appraiser upped his offer to $150. That was as far as he would go. We asked if they would give it a more thorough inspection, which would surely reveal that the car wasn't as bad off as they suspected, and if it was that bad, then we would agree to the $150 price. The appraiser refused, saying that the car is what it is. Saddened, we agreed to the $150 price. It is now a week later, and we've found our 14 year old Corolla which the appraiser claimed they would likely have to wholesale, which they bought from us for $150, on their website for $4,000, advertised as a vehicle which has passed state inspection, a "FitzWay Used/Value Plus", not at all a Fixer-Upper. Due to the speed with which it has appeared for sale, and the price, it seems that the car isn't as dilapidated as the appraiser led us to believe. We feel that we were taken advantage of, that we were lowballed on the price of the trade-in, which is now up for sale at 40x the price they initially offered, and 27x their final offer. Given that they are now listing the car for $4,000, it would not have been unreasonable for them to offer $1,000, which is what the book says for a 14 year old Corolla in fair condition, and we would have walked away with a much better feeling about our experience in buying a new car at FitzMall. We chose FitzMall after hearing the glowing reports from others who had dealt with them, glowing reports which draw in customers from all across the nation, and in regards to our trade-in experience, we do not feel that FitzMall has lived up to them. The remainder of the new car-buying experience at FitzMall went excellently. The sales representative and the accessories representative and the settlement manager were all very courteous, and we didn't feel that we were being overly pressured into buying extras that we didn't want. Any questions we had about the operation of the car were readily answered in a friendly manner. It was only the trade-in experience that left us with a bad taste in our mouths. If we had it to do over again, we would have purchased the car from FitzMall, but likely made other arrangements for getting rid of the old car.
You should have sold it yourself. Some college kid would have bought for $1100. Trading in is always a bad idea... I know I have done it many times now and always get shafted.
Dr., I understand your outrage at the company offering yousuch a low price and then turning around seeing your vehicle for $3,850 more than what you were given. Unfortunately, you don't know what they did with the vehicle... What I have done the last couple of cars, is to sell my car myself when offered such a low price... I have sold two of my cars (prior to buying my new vehicle) and I was able to get 5 to 10 x's what I was offered for a little work, and a little patience (which worked to my advantage)...
Yes, I definitely should have sold it myself. Fitzmall's reputation, however, was such that I expected fair pricing. I won't be making that mistake again, and others who are aware of this practice will hopefully know to not repeat my mistake. Rebenson, it's true that I don't know what they did with the vehicle, but I have a feeling that if the car is back up for sale so quickly, that any repairs can't have been too costly and time-consuming.
Dr. I feel your pain (not really) I have a 1998 Corolla LE, 99,000 miles. The only thing wrong with it is the paint is in bad shape. I know that I would probably punch them if they offered less than $1500 but I would not trade attempt to trade it in. I value it at $3000 as is and close to $4000 if it had a new paint job, my wife drives it to work everyday by choice over our 2009 Prius. I've never traded a car in. I have been insulted every time I've tried. That is why there is a door, so I can walk out when conditions are not to my liking. The only exception is that I am confirmed on the PIP, but I warned my salesman that I might still flake out and not buy it if they try anything funny. For $150 I would just give it to a friend (down on his/her luck) or donate it to charity, I definitely wouldn't donate it to Toyota. The scrap value would probably be worth more than $150. When I buy a new car I am trying to get the best price on the new car. Trying to trade in a used car just muddles up the deal and complicates everything.It tips the balance back to the dealer, it shows your weakness (or strength)You can't get the best trade in value AND lowest price on the new car.Sorry if it sounds like I am preaching, I am trying to get my "game face" on I am going to test drive the 2012 Camry hybrid tomorrow.
It sounds like you are just pissed that you made a bad deal in hindsight. Do you know how much work they did to the car after the trade? They did not force you to trade in the car and with a car that age they probably were thinking of scrapping it. Had the deal worked in your favor - say the gave you the $1,000 that you wanted and then found tons of problems and scrapped it for $100 or $200 would you even care? The original post is just sour grapes - boo to the OP.
stevemcelroy: No, I'm upset that the appraiser went into detail about how the car was nigh-worthless, and then put it up for sale at 27x the price they offered for it, so quickly that I feel they must not have had to do many time-consuming and costly repairs. You suggest that I would be fine with having sold them a lemon for $1,000, which it turns out they would be able to get only $100-$200 from. In fact, as I mentioned earlier, I gave them the option of performing a more thorough diagnostic to corroborate our story that it was a well-running car, so your suggestion that the dealer and I are both equally dishonest is not true. The original post is a warning to prospective Fitzmall buyers that their reputation for honesty and fair dealing does not extend to buying your trade-in.
We are in a very similar situation with our Sienna, but we have opted to fix our check engine light problem and then sell it ourselves. If there is a check engine light, that's an unknown completely out of control of the buyer. It could be a cheap fix, or an expensive fix -- you cannot tell without thoroughly investigating it. If the fix is expensive, that would make the car close to worthless even if it is in great condition otherwise, because it would not pass state inspection.
I wouldn't pay $100 for a 14 year old car with that mileage. It's just waiting to die, otherwise why did you get rid of it? The only thing it's good for is keeping chickens in
It's called free enterprise. They WERE honest with you by giving you a choice. We traded our 2010 Pilot that was paid for. We received $31,000 in trade. I had it advertised in the Trader for $34,900 and never got a call (ad is still running, no calls). The dealer still has it for sale a month later. It looks like Fitzmall sells under invoice, so they can't give it on both ends.
Buying a car that old is sort of like picking a door on the old game show let's make a deal - you have no clue what you are getting. The car dealer was willing to offer $100. By all sounds there was no pressure - take it or leave it, they were OK either way. You chose to take the money. While you offered to let them do a more in depth inspection you expected them to do it at the own cost - and they declined. You could have taken the car elsewhere and paid for an inspection, but you declined. You did not have to take their word that the car was worth little - that is not their problem. You do realize that a lot of charities would have been very happy if you had chosen not to take the $100 but rather have you donate it to a worth cause - that was a decision that you made, either by not directly thinking of it, or actively choosing the $. After buying it they realized that they could fix it and sell it - that is not something that is wrong. Part of what they do is fix cars for a living so they could have done extensive repairs quickly. It is no different than any business - they bought something, added value and then are looking to resell. You are just pissed because you made a bad deal. I still think that your posting is just sour grapes and boarders on libeling the dealership. They made you an offer of what they were willing to pay, you accepted - that's the end of it.
All car dealers are in the business to make money, maximizing profit is the name of the game. My guess is that Fitzmall's game is to price new cars low and make the big money on the trade in vehicles. Sounds like a good business plan to me. As a buyer, you need to understand the game, otherwise it can get very expensive.
In no way does my post border on libeling the dealership. God, can you imagine the chaos in this country if everybody who said "the car dealership ripped me off" was hauled in for libel? The whole country would be in prison. Don't throw around serious words like that. You may not agree with my negative review of FitzMall's trade-in process, but for crying out loud, it's certainly not bloody illegal for me to write it!
Dealers exist to make money. Not to help you. They made money, all is well with the world. The last time we traded in a slightly used RX330 for a new RX350 the dealer gave us $16K tradein when they had an identical (with slightly higher mileage) on the lot for $25K. Yes you take a bath at the dealer and you should know that. Selling a $25K car privately is not easy. Selling a $1K car is easy.
One way to even the slate is to NEVER take it to them for any inspection, maintenace or even free service. Another suggestion is to try DIY, this may not be compatible with your profession, if your a surgeon you definitely should not get your hands filthy. But, getting totally familier with each procedure allows you not to conned about any repair. Priuschat allows you to have that advantage. Also, unfortuneately, you got conned on the lubrication job on the Corolla, $1100 is outrageous. But live and learn. Good Luck next time. :cheer2: