Thanks to mikepaul, who was lucky enough to get a 2004 here in Columbia recently. He's being nice enough to meet me during lunch on Monday so that I can check one out in the flesh. Any requests for particular pictures? I'm going to take a bunch and have them up Monday evening. I'm giddy. 8)
I can't get over the fact that our administrator doesn't even have a 2004 prius yet. Nor has he had first hand contact till now. Poor guy, I'm willing to give up my handle to you :violin: Yours truly CarNotEvenOnTheHorizon P.S.- at least I can say I had a test drive
The first time I saw *any* Prius in-person was when I walked up to the dealership to pick it up and it was parked by the door. While loading my stuff into it, I sat in one for the first time. I'm told it's unusual to drive away with a new car without ever having previously taken that car for a drive, but that's what happened. So far, it's all been good. Since they filled the tank for free, I don't know how much was really in there, so when the gauge blinks I'll be stopping for gas and play "How Much Will Fit In The Tank This Time?" like other Prius owners...
Danny, You can't take enough Pic's for me so take as many as you dare and I'll be wait'in for them :!: :multi: 8) :computer: I've only had a short test drive of an '04 Prius that I will not forget anytime soon :!: When I bought my Insight I had never driven one and it's been a great car. :?: I don't know what will be my next car/ :?: but I do know that it will be a hybrid :!: With all the new hybrid's coming down the road in the next year I may just wait it out. An '05 Prius is still #1 on my list though. :lol: :computer: :wave:
You're still welcome in Columbia anytime! I got to see it/drive it today during lunch. Thanks a lot to Mike for coming out and meeting up with me. I hope to get the pics up tonight.
Lemme tell ya --- I sell enough of these and have lots of orders, and the only weight I have with Toyota is my a$$ in my Camry when I get into it. ;> Dianne :lol: