After two winters in Cleveland my disc brakes showed rust on the area that the brake pad does not touch. While switching to my snow tires I cleaned up and painted the area. It looks 100% better. Here is a pic of the discs and the car.
This is evething I used. A wire brush to clean off the rust and high temp flat black paint. The discs get very hot.
I'll second the complement on the rims, but for those of us that are little slow on the uptake will you take closer up photo that shows what you painted?
I will take a picture of a differnt Prius that not pained. In Cleveland they salt the roads. All exposed metal rusts.
Thank you. My Northen California 6 year old Corvette disks are pretty rasty looking where the pads don't keep them clean. I expect my Prius disks will get there too if I don't do something for them. For the real fanatics, some people on the Corvette forum have sent their discs out to be zinc plated. The zinc on the rubbing surface wears off without braking problems and the unrubbed surfaces remain protected.
Looks great, man! I might have to do the same. I've always avoided painting the calipers or anything brake related as it is usually a ricer thing to do but in black it looks clean.