So here is where I stand. Since I got the "Scan Gauge" with normal warm weather driving I was averaging about 52 mpg's. Seems when the "Winter" gas came on line and cooler weather I was just under 50. I had my 5,000 mile check-up added and oil change for the warm fuzzy feeling and made sure to run the tires at 42/40. I drove round trip from St.Louis to Springfield on I44 if you know this stretch the first half is plenty tough on truckers with long steep grades. Speed limit was 70 so I set my "Cruise at a true 73 mph (scangauge) hit Econo and just rolled for 95% of the trip. In the end based on a fill-up I got 44+ mpg's not as good as I hoped but then I was not driving with any concern for mpg's either. It just is what it is, oh yes, while not cold temp ranged between 38-45 outside. Pretty sure with summer gas and I slowed down a bit (like that will happen) I could have kept it closer to 50 mpg, still can't complain 400 miles round trip on less than one tank of gas.
44+ about mirrors my trips on I-40 in NC running about 75 mph. No complaints from me either. Higher mpg than just about any other car at that speed.
I'm not capable of being that relaxed. I usally just peg my cruise control at 3 mph over the limit, well except in Texas. As they say, the sun done riz and the sun done set and we ain't out of Texas yet.