Just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm Wil, and I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I currently own a 2006 Ford Focus and a 1996 Mazda Miata. I'm seriously considering a Prius for my next car - hopefully in 2010. I drive a long commute every day, and I think a hybrid would be just the thing. I've been lurking here for some time and thought it would be a good idea to join up and finally say "hi!" Taking in as much information as I can, and also enjoying the community of the group. Thanks! PS- Anyone know why trying to start a new thread here keeps crashing Apple Safari? I've replied to messages without problems, but when I tried to start this thread it kept crashing. Finally had to revert to Explorer.
Hey Two Bear - come to the Milwaukee Hybrid Group Meeting next Saturday 12/20 at the Oak Creek Library. You'll meet some great people & learn a lot about hybrid cars - Prius owners are in the majority, but there are Insights, HyCams, Ford Explorer Hybrids & everyone wants to talk about their car. Google "Milwaukee Hybrid" & get on the mailing list to get up-to-date meeting info.
Thanks for the invite. I've seen your groups website and am planning to come to a meeting. Probably not this one, though, too much holiday stuff in the way.
TwoBear. I've found Safari works better after a reset. Give that a try and see what happens. Reverting to Explorer sounds pretty drastic. Have you tried Firefox?
Still lurking around here from time to time, and still don't have a Prius. I bought a 2010 Yaris HB in 09 as I couldn't quite afford the Prius at the time. Now I have a new job and different commute and am looking forward to seeing the Prius C next year. Is the Milwaukee Hybrid Group still active? The webpage doesn't seem to get updated very often. Thanks! Wil
I still get e-mails from the MHG every once in a while, so I believe they still do meet. I've never been able to get to one of their meetings, but when I get their e-mail newsletters, they are very detailed.
So without hijacking the thread, what's the general consensus about Snow in Milwaukee & a Prius? We just purchased a used 2007 Prius and we live in St. Louis. My wife wants to get snow tires. I hoping that is generally sufficient. Do you find yourself avoiding a lot of streets?
It may not be a general consensus, but my opinion is that Milwaukee doesn't get much snow. They are on the wrong side of the lake for that. Those of us that live on the downwind side of the lake get a lot more snow. Tom
So how has your experience been? Besides living in St. Louis, we drive up to Chicago at least twice a year. Should I just rent a car if there is snow on the ground? lol