I have several questions I'm curious to hear the answers to from potential PHEV owners. Myself I have a Leaf for the last 8 months. I have a 240V EVSE mounted to my garage wall and carry the 120V EVSE in the hatchback. I have only used the 120V EVSE three times and none of those were really necessary. However, a PHEV Prius is a totally different concept, being you don't have to worry about not being able to charge, or charge quickly enough, or run out of power. So, here are my questions: Do you plan to install a 240V EVSE, or just use the EVSE that comes with the car on 120V? Do you plan to carry the 120V EVSE around with you, or leave it mounted to the wall of your garage for convenience? Do you plan on using any public charging stations?
1) just use evse 120v, at least unless i see a need for the 240. 2) leave it in the garage. with the engine, no need to charge on the road unless absolutely convenient or necessary. 3) no, but hey, it could happen.
It's only a guess, but I'm expecting only to charge it overnight on 120v in my garage. I don't have a work commute, so won't be leaving the car in the same place during each day. I figure to run on battery for short errands, and hybrid for occasional longer trips. I have solar PV on a time-of-use rate, so won't use peak rate electricity to charge in the afternoon, even on the rare days when I make two separate trips.
I expect to have a Leviton 220V EVSE in my garage and use it for all of my charging. I have a dedicated 120 circuit in my garage which I will use with the EVSE which comes with the car if the 220V EVSE is out of order. I don't expect to use any away from home opportunity charging.
1) I plan to install the 240V version, but only when the prices come down a bit. 2) The 120V cord that comes with the car will always come with me. 3) I think I'll do some public charging, but I'm not sure how much I'd be willing to wait or pay. I haven't fully investigated this aspect of the PiP's options.
1) I'm just going with the 110 VAC. 2) I'll just keep it in the car so that I can charge at the other end of my long drives up to the Bay Area (250 miles). 3) I don't really see the use in that on a PiP. Maybe, when they are more ubiquitous.
I plan on using just the 110v charging cord. I have the ability to charge at work with 110V so the cord will travel with. I do plan to use public charging when it is economical to do so. According to my calcs based on the cost of gas at the moment and 50mpg in Hybrid Mode I would use public charging if it cost less than 38 cents per hour. Noel
I will only have the 110v, at least until prices on the EVSE's come down. I plan to keep it in the vehicle and charge at home in the garage, and at work outside (they said they will run 110v to the covered "eco" parking area for me. (there are 4 Prii here and the CEO is also looking at getting a PIP. I registered and got a Blink card, and will likely take an opportunity charge when I'm near a public charger, yes.
Blink These are the chargers I have around my downtown area. If you walk up to them you can enter your email address and they send you registration to register for the RFID card that lets you charge. I think there are free and paid chargers in the network...I'm not really sure yet. Anyone else familiar?
Here are some charging networks: 1) Blink Blink - BlinkMap 2) Coulomb / Chargepoint https://www.chargepointportal.net/index.php/device/devicelocation.html 3) This third one contains charging points shared by private individuals. PlugShare - Electric Vehicle Charging Network You will find more Coulomb EVSEs around the SF bay area. I have heard that the cost of the Coulomb unit is cheaper than the Blink unit. This probably explains why there are more of them. You need to get the RFID cards for 1) and 2) to use the EVSE. The cards are free the last time I requested them. Some locations require payment to charge. The Chargepoint system allows you to load money into your account.
Most plug in folks appreciate plugshare the most: It allows you to add your own charger(s) to the list - so in an emergency you stand a much better chanced of not ending up stranded via many helpful people right at their residence, if necessary. .
1) 110V next to the garage door 2) keep the cord at home 3) no plug in stations here - I'm retired and in a small town at the corner of Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Most everything in town is within 7 miles and the upper end of city speed limits is 45 MPH. I've been waiting for this car for years, it's perfect for the driving we do, and I don't plan to buy much gasoline in the future. Does anyone know if the PIP measures and displays charging KWH history? I like to keep records on mileage and fuel and plan to use a KILL A WATT to measure charging KWH. Would be nice if PIP would help. 2010 Prius two year average is $0.06 per mile, 34 fill ups, average mileage 46.2, average price of gas $2.625
Not a typo - we have cheap gas Bought the car in August 2009 and first tank was $2.199. Cheapest that year was $2.069 and highest $2.459. Highest price in 2010 was $2.739. This year the highest price was $3.570 and the last tank I bought two weeks ago was $3.099. But..... in May of this year I loaned the car to a friend who was driving 130 miles round trip every day to take care of her daughter. I don't have gas tickets for four months of 2010 so adjusted the mileage and made my calculations to include only the miles I have driven the car. Gas prices during that time went as high as $3.739 but were usually around $3.599.
You guys have very cheap gas. I got some at $3.599 last night at one of the cheaper stations that accepts credit card and isn't out of the way. Take a look at San Jose Gas Prices - Find Cheap Gas Prices in California and try putting in 95136 for a zip code. Some of the cheap stations are WAY far away or way out of the way for me. Look at AAA Fuel Gauge Report and AAA Fuel Gauge Report too.