So...Thanksgiving day, two guys, a C5 Corvette and a C6 Corvette, and a stop light..... Hilarity ensues. :mod:
saw that video. the c5 broke traction going into second gear and ran into the c6. I've concluded that either inexperienced driver or poorly designed vehicle and the problem was fixed on the C6.
I wonder if the C5 was still running on runflat tires. Those things are slicker than snot. A hard shift into 2nd gear and the tires break loose sooooo easily. Check out my lame spinout during an autocross event. I hate runflats! [ame=""]F8L's Channel - YouTube[/ame]
Here's another inexperienced driver out of control [ame=""]Corvette Crashes During An AutoCross Event - YouTube[/ame]
I like to think about it as the video game solution to racing: when you're losing, hit someone (it works in Gran Turismo!). Haha, the other video making the rounds on the car forums. It's not quite as funny as this epic fail though (note: usage of bad language. You would too if someone hit you):
From what I've heard (and seen), Corvettes aren't so great at handling and they're better for driving in a straight line. Slightly off topic, there was a hit and run today at a gas station during lunch. I didn't see the accident because I was inside the shop at the time, but when I walked outside I saw the kid in an old Mercury speeding away, his tires screeching, and everybody looking at him. From what I overheard, there were plenty of witnesss and the cops were on their way. But I'm fortunate it wasn't me who he hit. It was close. People are just a*holes and Fremont is super-ghetto. The armpit of the Bay Area. Get well Justin. Good luck.
LOL... the turkeys street racing made it onto Also it is reported that one guy was driving with a suspended license. Dumber than a door knob.
I figured these videos came from TTAC’s Black Friday Special: Corvette Crashes | The Truth About Cars, but I guess they're making their rounds thru other means. FWIW, I've only drive a Corvette once. It was a C6 years ago at a GM event in the Bay Area. It along w/the CTS-V were the only two cars where they'd let you punch it. Well, in the C6, when coming around a turn, I floored it. The rears broke loose and the car started going sideways a bit. Woah! I think just a stock C6 even w/the automatic has way too much power for its rear tires. I don't think I ever hit that w/my 287 hp Nissan 350Z. I did eventually get better rear tires once the stock rears wore out.
Full throttle before the apex? And you wonder why the average Joe doesn't get to drive these at car shows....
All we got to do was one loop. It wasn't any sort of autocross-like setup for the C6 and CTS-V. I think there was a whopping one turn and maybe one more at the end when you pull over. IIRC, the turn was already complete but I may not have been totally pointed straight... At that event, the other courses were setup sort of like an autocross from one of my posts elsewhere from 2006: I've attended plenty of other car events and most of them are totally fine w/going as fast as long as you're safe. They might pull you out if you spin out and will definitely revoke your driving privileges if you do something dangerous or don't follow their safety related instructions (seen it happen before)... Some attendees said that the GM events years ago were a lot less restrictive.
The one driving away AFTER the collision perhaps? Might as well fill the whole rap page if you're gonna have one. Although, as is typical with clips like these, they're all incident and no context, so who knows.
That is pretty much what I did in this video. Of course a rear wheel drive car with plenty of power is going to break the tires loose and swing the nice person end around. You have to have great tires and a controlled throttle to keep things under control. In my case I had a fairly stock C5 (12.5@111mph) but I had horrible tires and I'm a noob when it comes to autocross. lol
Agreed. We may be biased as Corvette owners but I've seen some pretty spectacular runs with C5 and C6 Vettes. They hook pretty well at the drag strip too. [ame=]Rear Mount Turbo C5 Corvette 9.44 Drag Race - YouTube[/ame]
^^^ Woah! 9.44 @ 148 mph in the 1/4 mile? Dang! I don't think any stock street legal car sold today can achieve those times.
Let the guy drift if he wants. The car isn't stock - it's got a rear mount turbo? Also: this isn't stock either, and barely street legal (and they're local!)