Hi Is there a way on this site while you are logged in to view all of your recent activity? I have been having to search the forums for my user name every time to find my posts, but if there is an actual button that would show my forum activity without me searching that would be great. Thank you!
A simple way to find your own posts is the click on your name in this thread. A drop down menu appears and you can click on "Find more posts by AdrianMBrown". That is one way I root out trolls before they get too far. lol
In my case I search for the terms "dumbass" and "pedantic donkey", as they occur in replies to most of my posts. For you, however, I recommend F8L's technique. Tom
If there are threads you want to follow, you can always subscribe to them so that you will be notified when someone posts a new post.
If you click on your name in the upper right you get a Profile screen, one tab is statistics, in that tab is ever post you ever made in reverse chronological order. I use search and put in JimboPalmer and search for posts to find threads where someone has replyed to me. Mind you, this will not work if they change your name to Dumbass in their reply. (Sorry, Tom) Once in a blue moon I search for just Jimbo, but that is many people.
Hi Adrian and welcome to Priuschat! :welcome: I have created bookmarks for my most common Priuschat links. They reside in a folder on the bookmark bar in my browser. It looks like this: Priuschat |- Forums => http://priuschat.com/forums/ |- My Posts => http://priuschat.com/forums/search/find-users-posts/<User#>/ (you are 82721) |- New Posts => http://priuschat.com/forums/search/get-new-posts/ |- Today's Posts => http://priuschat.com/forums/search/get-todays-posts/ |- Ban F8L => http://priuschat.com/forums/do/ban/16948/ In FireFox, anytime you see a link, just right-click on it and select "Copy Link Location". Paste that as a new bookmark and there you go.
Note to all: To find your User-Number. . . 1) Click on your name. 2) On the drop-down menu, hover over something with your name such as "Find more posts by..." 3) Look down in the status bar of your browser to see the actual URL of that link.
A small correction; the counters in the Statistics tab go back only 500 counts for recovery/viewing purposes. My counts are higher than 500 only for posts made. I checked cwerdna's stats and his overall counts in the other categories -- threads, thanks, etc. -- are higher than 500, and again the counters are set to 500 for recovery/viewing purposes.
Not having the Moderators even think of you may be a good thing. :focus: Thanks for the info, Rokeby, only 500 of my posts are saved? I need to be more careful posting.
I can't find anything on this in the FAQs or website questions forum. I haven't the slightest idea how the vBulletin software that PC uses works. In the absence of being able to say what's really going on, here are my best guesses from having done a lot of poking around and searching for stuff. * whenever you ask for something, new posts, all your posts, all your threads, etc, a "search" is conducted. 500 seems to be a recency-based limit on the numbers of items the search results will display. * I have some 2700 posts, and when I ask for all my posts, I get direct access only to the most recent 500. When I ask to see all the threads I've started, all 97 of them are listed. If I open my oldest thread, my "newbie" introduction, I can see my first post. At some point, threads are archived. The Archive is accessed at the bottom of this, and every page. If you open the archives for the Gen II Main Forum some 3000+ threads are listed individually and can be opened. All this, yet I don't know of a certain way to get more than 500 posts listed at a time... Well, one idea would be to use some specific word or phrase at the end of every post, not in the signature, and change the word/phrase every 500 posts.