Hi! I finally took the plunge and bought a Prius last Friday... very lovely and it is probably the most comfortable car I have ever driven. But I still feel like a sucker. The salesman gave me a 1K discount for the taking the car in winter grey instead of the silver or white color that I originally wanted. So it was $31,460 before tax and fees on a 2011 Winter Grey Prius IV with the solar roof package, Rockledge alarm system, and mats... which brought me to a total of ~$35K out the door. I thought it was a good deal at the moment but after reading the posts on this board, I am starting to feel like I was bamboozled by that dealer. So, help! Did I get ripped off? :huh:
Did you at least research for prices before you went to the dealer? I spent a month researching for prices and stocks in So Cal dealers before I bought mine. I paid about the same amount as you did for my V/ATP. I could have probably saved a hundred or 2 if I had read the forum first and went to Dianne's dealer.
The base Prius Four in your area can be had for 25,500 or even a little less. Not sure what other options you may have gotten in addition to the alarm, mats and solar roof, but I'd imagine they shouldn't be near the $6k price difference that you paid. Don't want to burst your bubble but it appears the dealership pulled a fast one on you, especially with that "color discount" they gave you. Anyway, I just wanted to give you a straight up answer to your question, I hope you still enjoy the car because while it's nice to know you got a good deal, you should just drive and have fun. The premium you paid will seem like a drop in the bucket after the many of years of enjoyment you get out of the car This is speaking from experience, I've been screwed over by douchebag car dealers in the past too! You live, you learn
I'm confused by the numbers, so I can only go off my car. Package III/Solar/mats. If the only thing you added was the alarm and it is a Package IV the difference would be $3600 before tax. My car $26691 + $3600 = $30291 Tax at 9.05 = $33032.34 Plus doc and title/reg add like $830 Would come to something like $33862.34 Remember there are always people to find it cheaper or more expensive. And there are so many factors involved. Don't worry about it.
Hi again! Thank you all for your responses. I am a little sad that I was tricked but I'll just drive it off! :car: I'll do my homework more thoroughly next time... hopefully this will not be for a long while. If only I knew of this forum sooner! My cost breakdown is: 26925(base?) + 4180(solar package) + 200(mats) + 395(alarm) + 760(delivery) - 1000("discount") = 31460 I am going to be positive and make every penny count! :high5: Thanks again!
First, IMO, and I think the general consensus, is that the "base price" (i.e. MSRP without options minus any discounts dealer gives you) should include the 760 delivery fee. Invoice price typically does not include the delivery fee. Anyway, for what it's worth, the solar package was a lot more than I originally thought it was. Just to maybe make you feel a little better, I priced the car again at truecar.com WITH the solar roof, and the results turned out to be 29167. Add an alarm and car mats, and you're probably just under 30k. Only 1.5k or so less than what you got yours for... and you still got less than MSRP! Ok enough babble, just go enjoy your car!
Let's put it this way. I think a Winter Gray, 2011 Prius IV with Solar Roof, is a great automobile. Great choice. Great Deal?...No Comment. But keep in mind, You pay a little more? You pay a little less? I think the important thing is getting a good automobile you like and can enjoy. That's where the real value manifests. Any amount you may of overpaid? Will become less and less of an issue the longer you keep, enjoy and use the automobile. If you get a decade of efficient, comfortable and reliable use? Then you got a great deal today. Really IMO no new automobile is rarely a good investment. You make the best deal possible, and you still instantly lose thousands of dollars in value the moment you drive it off the lot. My speculation is Prius prices will increase over the next few years. I think when Prius c is released, and "regular Prius" then doesn't have to be the "entry level" hybrid, with the Prius II, I'd expect prices to edge up across the board. The Prius c will be the new entry point Toyota Hybrid. You've chosen a great automobile. And almost nobody drives home from the dealership with a vehicle worth more than it was when it was sitting unsold on the dealer lot. That's just how the game works.
Getting ripped is buying a $35k vehicle that gets 20mpg's or less. It sounds like you paid in the msrp price range for your IV w/ solar. My IV with Nav msrp was $30,300 last year. I didn't want to spend the extra $2k on solar option. But I won't tell you what I really paid for it.
I thought Toyota was offering a $1,000 discount/rebate on the Prius starting a week or two ago. You can go to the Toyota site and build your Prius - I got $32,489 for your options and it didn't list a rebate.
THERE IS NO "BASE FOUR" IN OUR AREA. The SoCal region gets IV's with either NAV or NAV + Sunroof. I have gotten base IVs before but had to trade for them out of other regions, other states. There is also no rebate on Prius in SoCal. Every region makes their own decision on incentives, and we have a low lease rate here and a low APR (good thru Dec 6th) but no rebate.
Did you see my follow up post? I went back and priced it out with the solar roof for the sake of being thorough. I did not price it with the NAV because the OP did not say he had NAV in his car. Just going by what he stated. Regardless, by my research, and assuming his car has NAV, unless the NAV costs over $1500, he still could have done better by some margin.
I really wanted to reply to the entire thread. Didn't mean to single you out, sorry! I just clicked quick. Anyway, it's OK - he didn't get the best deal but he also didn't get the worst deal either. And, right now thru Dec 5th, I have to correct myself: they just announced that from Dec 2 to Dec 5th, we have a $500 rebate on Prius hatchbacks in lieu of the special financing rates or low lease rates. I was right till about 7pm when they announced it today (gettin' ready for tomorrow)... Di