For those in the SF Bay Area, has your dealer informed you of when your 06 will be arriving? So far, it looks like only the folks in SoCal has received their 06's. I have one on order, and have not received a firm date. Thanks.
Passed an 06 Barcelona Red on 101N in San Jose yesterday. From Sunnyvale Toyota. Although I am 20 on their list for my options, I am 171 overall (deposit ~10/17) yet I expect my Prius possibly in Dec, almost def by Jan.
Dublin Toyota has my delivery scheduled for Dec 1 to 5th for an 06 Bar Red Pkg 8, grey leather. I ordered it back in August. They have the VIN and it is set to arrive any day now. I went there to sign papers and get the loan yesterday. olcorral.
I went to the dealer today with the thought of buying another 05 or a new 06. They did not have either and said they thought if I ordered one it would be in around mid March. Wow!?! Are people really willing to wait 3 or 4 months for a car? When I bought my 05, I called every dealer in the Bay Area untill I found one on a lot that I liked and they were charging at or below sticker. I've had people accuse me of waisting their time and not being loyal with this method of getting a car and I always counter that argument with I don't want to be lifelong freinds with the salesman and probably will never even have them over for dinner, on the other hand, I am not buying the car simply because I like the color of the salesmans shoes. They usually have no responce. -Paul R. Haller-
Here's a brief update: received a call shortly after my post from my dealer, and now my 06 Prius in Super white, package 6 is sitting in my garage! It was one wet and scary drive coming down 880 in the heavy rain tonight.
My Silver HK package will arrive in the next 5 days. Just came back from the dealer and signed all the paperwork. I ordered my car in Aug.
'06 Priuses delivered in Chico, Eureka, Sunnyvale and, yesterday, Davis. Two '06s to arrive today in Vacaville. They're here.
I put down a $500 deposit at Toyota Sunnyvale in late September. I took delivery of a 2006 Classic Silver Prius on Sunday, Dec. 4th. The Direct Sales Manager Zion Rowan called me around noon to see if I would take Package 7. My top choice was Package 6 in Silver. Getting an exact match looked unlikely for 2005, and AMT prevents us from benefiting from the 2006 tax credit. So I accepted Pkg 7. Now we'll have to go places we've never been before to get some value from the NAV. BTW, the buying experience with Zion at Sunnyvale was first class. He expedited the process so that it only took 1.5 hours. He gets my highest recommendation.
I've had my deposit at Steven's Creek Toyota since early September. I talked to them today, and they said they don't have our blue pkg 8 yet, but it would be there in the next couple of weeks. We're set to take delivery on January 4 since we'll be out of the country starting on Dec. 15. Plus then we get that nice tax credit.
I picked up my Silver 06 HK from Redwood City earlier in the week. It's one sweet car. I love the 6 discs of wma/mp3 playability. Also my sales guy told me that the 06's seem more solid and quieter to him.