Hi this is my first post , i did a search and i didnt get the info I needed. I currently do not own a prius and starting to seriously investigate some dealerships for either a Prius 2 0r 3 or a prius v2. I have found Fitzsmall on the east coast that are beating the pants off any prices i have seen in San Diego, Ca area....they are around $1500 under invoice I believe ...just incredible deals. My question is , are there any dealerships like fitzmall on the west coast. I live in the San Diego ,Ca area so the closer the better. At those prices it may be worth flying in and driving one back. Thanks any input is greatly appreciated.
Come anyone out there..........I know its my first post..so far a chilly welcome. ....The 2011 Prius 2 at Fritzmall are $21,960...thats $2500 less than anything I can find in this area. Where is the best place to shop in or near the San Diego area...I dont mind driving a bit if I know I can get close to those prices. Thanks again!
2011 Toyota Prius Iii - Baltimore, MD - Russel Toyota 2011 Toyota Prius Ii - Baltimore, MD - Russel Toyota Russel is even a little cheaper than Fitzmall. Unfortunately, also a Maryland dealer. Sorry - but they might ship to the West Coast. Alternatively, you could try Carmax. They also are a new Toyota dealer in Maryland (formerly Laurel - Maryland - Toyota). Might have better luck since they are a national dealer and possibly a local (San Diego) Carmax could make arrangements for delivering a new Toyota. http://www.carmax.com/enus/view-car...+398+9&Q=8f1cbeac-0b4a-4b9c-b377-0a969c74d1bc
It's likely because you've posted in the wrong area and because I and probably most everyone else has no idea what Fritzmall or Fitzmall so it's just a thread to ignore. I only opened this thread to figure out whether this was actually "Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News" so that I could report it as being misplaced.
I don't know what fitzmall is as I am in Los Angeles, but if you don't mind a bit of travel, try northern California prices. Pls see my other posts re what I got and $.
Try truecar.com. It's a website that coordinates with local dealers to get list of "absolute best prices" dealers in your area are willing to sell their cars for. And in my experience, after using truecar.com and contacting the dealer with the best price, he even bested the truecar.com quote by a few hundred bucks. I just tried using the zip code 92123 on truecar.com and the best price it returned was 22,044 for a Prius Two (hatchback one). It didn't tell me the dealership, you have to sign up to get that info, but I think it's worth it. With a little haggling, you might be able to do even better than the 21,960 at Fitzmall. Don't worry, truecar.com hasn't spammed me much after giving them my e-mail address, but if I still would give them a "junk e-mail" address just in case . Good luck! p.s. I just realized what a truecar.com whore I sounded like , I assure you I am in no way affiliated with them, in fact, I just found out about that site about 3.5 weeks ago from these forums while I was shopping for a Prius v!
The next best place is in Anaheim. Miller Toyota. Take the 5 north. Check out their website and click weekend ad. They beat 21,900. $21,500. Or 21,000 if you're military. If you're lucky, they'll have 1 or 2 left. Call them up, ask for Cedric, tell him, the brothers who bought the white last weekend sent you.
Try Miller Toyota in Culver City, they are advertising 2's at 21+, but have a $1000 trade in discount (don't know what that means). Also Hollywood Toyota-not very trustworthy,but you might score there. 1 more in the LA area- Santa Monica Toyota, they have a ton of Prii. How do I know all this? I bought a car off Miller (call the internet dept) and I bought a car from Hollywood Toyota. I'm a car nut who follows the classifieds for my own entertainment. Trust me going out of state will not save you enough money to be worth the hassle. Good luck
I can vouch for pdp regarding truecars.com. They give you the best starting point for negotiating. GL!
Wait! You can negotiate from truecars.com prices? Now I feel like a total nitwit cause I thought the truecar price is like a "final" #. Oh well. I will close my eyes and cover my ears so i don't feel like I left a few hundred $ on the table. and I can vouch for their no spam practice. I only rec'd ONE single email from them and I joined them months ago...and that was a good email. Letting me know I can get a $200 gas card if I bought my car thru them.
Don't feel too bad, of the 3 dealerships I was referred to by truecar.com, only 1 of them budged with the price. So I want to emphasize "might be able to negotiate a slightly lower price than truecar.com." Also, I think one main reason my dealer was willing to negotiate the truecar price is because he had some volume quota to fullfill to get a bonus from the manufacturer, he willingly admitted to me he sold at least 8 (maybe more) cars from internet sales in just 2 days.