I typically drive in Eco Mode all the time and I'm tired of seeing the green light when the rest of the panel is a cool blue color (I like uniformity). Is there a setting or a way to turn this off? I can tell which mode I am in by the response of the pedal and don't necessarily need it lit up, so wondering if there is a setting anywhere to turn it off. I couldn't find anything in the manual. (For clarification, I'm not talking about the "eco" indicator above the HSI, I'm talking about the "eco mode" light that pops up when you press the Eco button and are in Eco Mode of driving.) Thank you!
AFAIK you can't turn it off, but try this: drive in regular mode and see what gas mileage you get. I find I get at least as good gas mileage driving around town in normal mode as I do Eco Mode. In fact, the only time I turn Eco Mode on is when I'm going on a long trip and am using cruise control. Tom
Try to toggle the eco button. push on and push again to toggle off. I believe the Pri is still in ECO without the lit indicator being lit on the dash. I do notice a more respondsive foot pedal.... more like the responce of PWR mode. I often drive in that mode ie ECO indicator off on the instrument cluster and I get that PWR accelerator pedal responce. Try this out.... let me know your findings.
If there is no ECO or PWR mode light on the dash you're simply in normal mode. You get into normal by pressing eco again if it is lit or pressing pwr if pwr is lit. You will notice more power in normal than evo but less than pwr. All each mode does is remap the first 50% of pedal travel. ECO is a little different in that it will also reduce a/c power/fan speed.
When you toggle the ECO mode or the PWR mode to off you will be in the Normal mode, there is no indication for the Normal mode. Foot pedal response will be between ECO and PWR.
There really isn't much use for the EV mode. The difference in the other three modes PWR, Normal, and ECO is the response of the throttle pedal. PWR gives you most of what is available in the first 1/2 of the pedal travel, many non-hybrid cars are like that also. ECO mode gives you pretty even response for the entire pedal travel. Normal mode is in between those two. Full throttle provides the same amount of power in all three modes. Which is best sort of depends on what you like. I use ECO because it provides finer control and makes it easier to put the HSI bar where I want it. I would use ECO in the snow because it provides better control, but then I use ECO all the time anyway.
I drive in Eco Mode purely because I like to have major control :rockon: over where the bar in the HSI indicator is sitting. I have a rough time sometimes and/or I get a foot ache in normal made due to the sensitivity of the pedal. Thanks for the snow advice. This will be my first time ever driving the Prius in snow and I'm a little scared not being able to down-shift and all! I drove a Toyota Yaris sedan for the past 3 years, and believe it or not, the thing was a beast in the snow - I never once got stuck, with simple all-season tires, so I hope I get the same response from the Prius. In Columbus, OH we typically only have 1 or 2 major snowstorms, the rest of winter is 1-3 inches at a time.