Just got my 2011 Prius on 10/21. The only thing I can say is I LOVE IT. I am 6 foot 4 and I have no problems fitting in the car. I got it for the high MPG as my main car for back and forth to work. So far the car is running 47.6 MPG.
Welcome, Im also a new owner. The forum is great. My only advice as a new owner is read all the great posts everyone has, there is so much to learn. Have fun driving your new car!
If you want to stretch your legs, get the seat extenders. I am 6'3" and with the seat extenders I can extend my legs to the peddles. I havn't seen as much leg room since my 78 MGB roadster.
Oh yeah, it is great during the first 5 years; then all the money I saved in gas I had to use to change the $3 thousand dollar battery! And it went downhill after that: change rack pinion, change catalytic converter, etc etc. I traded my Prius in for another non-hybrid automobile. Hybrid? .... never never again! Good riddance Prius!
Fortunately the 2005+ Prii are more reliable than the early GenI Prii so you are unlikely to have any major issues despite the rantings of NinaPR51.
It takes the room from the rear seat behind the driver. If you are always carrying passengers, then don't consider it. If you drive solo most of the time like I do, it makes driving alot more comfortable. When I carry a passenger behind me, I just move the seat up to the original position.