About to be 44, Wife is 44 but cannot drive due to low vision, daughter is about to be 21 and is getting the hand-me-down '05 Prius. I wanted cargo capacity for larger Radio Control planes, with the v I should be able to transport my 96" long 1/3 scale Slick 540. Aging is mandatory, maturation is optional Peter+
Looks like my wife and I are the "forum Geezers"so far! She just turned 68 this week and I'll be 70 in January. We kept our 2003 4 Runner for 'heavy hauling' and hunting and fishing trips; the new Prius v will be driven mainly by my wife as she runs local errands to the grocery store, bank, dry cleaners, Costco, and post office.
My husband and I are both 38, and our son is almost 5 years old. It will be my car for everyday use, and the "family car" for road trips, etc (I get to pick it up in a few days). We decided together that our next vehicle should be something with much more cargo space (ideally a wagon), and then I did all the research and made the decision. In fact, my husband hasn't even test-driven the Prius v, so it will be interesting to see what he thinks!
I am 54 years old and traded in my GMC Acadia for a prius v touring and technology package. Got tired of filling the Acadia with gas and wanted something essentially equivalent in terms of room and hauling capacity although it does not have the same grunt as the GMC. That's OK though as I'm not trying to impress anybody these days. I am impressed by the technology and fuel efficiency. I've had it 3 weeks and still have 2 thirds of a tank of gas left after 300 kilometers. Looked at the Chevy Volt but told myself I would not buy another 1st generation GMC. Quite impressed by the cab ride in Vancouver in a prius that had 800,000 kilometers in it with a raving cabbie telling me that their fleet costs had dropped 60 percent after converting to prius's. I thought that's the car for me.
I'll use my favourite way of responding to that question - I'm not 60-something, I'm $59.95 plus shipping and handling : ) Here's a link to the video I posted in one of the other topics. Best hypermiling mileage so far has been 3.5 l/ 100Km which is 80.7 mpg (CDN) or 67.2 mpg (US).
I am 1 year over 3/4s of a century, and my wife's age is (mumble mumble). Her car is the 07 prius, mine is the 2012 v. We wanted the v for our annual snowbirding to FL. We really appreciated the extra space in the v compared to the G2, for this years trip to FL.
I'm 44 and just sold our 2007 Prius Touring and bought a new loaded 2012 Prius V with the tech package. I love it!
I am 27 and my wife is 32. We have a 10 week old daughter hence the reason why we purchased the Prius V.
Hey Rhizzlebop, like you I am turning 32 this coming January. But already married and expect to have kiddie soon. So I might trade in the G3 for one of this. I think in Australia we are getting the 7 seater version so that would be a bonus. But as usual, Toyota Australia will most likely kill the product with high prices initially, and if the it does not sell well, they will drop the price. They did it to G1 and G3 Prii. Hopefully this time they have more senses in them and price it right from the word go. GT-I9100T ?
57 and 55. The v is the wife's car replacing her 2006 Gen2 Prius. She already hauled our 18 yr old and 3 of his buddies to a concert in Milwaukee 100 miles each way. No complaints from any of the 4 passengers.