I just find it odd that people always find this place to complain about the fuel mileage... I went from a SRT-8 to a Prius and had no issue adapting. Was not as good at getting gas mileage as I am now, but the car easily got what the EPA sticker says... I do think however it depends on where you live too, and the distance.. My old drive to work was a lot of 45mpg roads, so the engine needed to be running anyway and my efficiency peaked quickly as the engine fully warmed up.. I have noticed in the slower speed areas where I currently live (35) the Prius will warm up to the bar minimum and then kill the engine which in effect makes the gas mileage worse... I have not cardboarded my grill or anything yet, but this may be something going on as well with the OP. Hopefully he gets it sorted as I would be upset myself if I saw 38mpg, but sometimes we all need outside help to put things in perspective and fix it.
Ditto short trips, cold weather, low tire pressures. If you let the car idle to warm it up before driving (for any reason other than to make the cabin more comfortable for yourself), don't; it's a pure waste of gas. The best way to warm up any car is to drive it, gently for the first few minutes. After that don't be too timid when accelerating from a stop. Engines are most efficient when running near their rated output.
The quote at the end of your reply is quite an eye-opener. Thanks for the suggestion about accelerating more rapidly from a stop. The logic makes sense.
I never exceeded 43 mpg in the summer, possibly because I was still breaking in the car. From what I've read, you are right about cold weather and short trips. I drive long distances 3 days a week, but make short trips the other 4.
First 5 minutes from cold often shows something like 35ish MPG on gage. 5 day old 2011 with all of 100 miles on this tripmeter is showing 55 MPG. It's about 50 to 60 F. 10 to 25 minute trips. There goes the idea Prius has to be broken in to get MPG. I've driven 2010's with 2 miles on ODO that start hittin' 50+ once warmed up. Swear I don't hypermile. On the 2009, filled with gas and only drove couple miles to keep ODO down for selling. Was PO'd 'cause only 43 MPG when showing the car.
Anyone else always try to roll out from stop light / sign on battery? I always shoot for that. Get it rolling EV (I never use the button) for couple seconds, then have ICE come in. Depends who's back there. Won't catch me nailing it on green light to invoke ICE right away. Thanks for the tidbit to use brakes as little as possible. That's a good one!
Reset the mileage computer right before one of your long trips and see how you do. Post it back here with the details. Tom
Mpg many factors as most on here have found. The break in period of the driver, of the car, tire pressure, length of trip, grade of the road, speed and wind to name a few factors. In october driving over 200 miles on the highway cruise set at 65 mph and into a strong head wind only got 38 mpg the wife was complaining. I just smiled and thought wait till the return trip with that tailwind. Sure enough 67 mpg on the return trip. Things do even out just give the prius a chance.
I'm not an engineer but I work with engineers. Also, the engineers on this forum have pushed me (knowingly or otherwise) to provide clean and precise info. The chart started as proof that I was getting the mileage I claimed. I added the temperature after about a year when people here on Priuschat started noticing what seemed to be a correlation between temperature and mileage. Since I was one of the few maintaining a chart, I added it. But what you might find most beneficial is the knowledge that it took me 8 months and almost 10,000 miles before I cracked the 50+mpg barrier. So if it helps, you're in good company.
As I was reading the replies I was looking for this one (not you qbee42,) the dealer had the car on for hours while they prepped it and you MPG's were in the 20's when you got it so your over all average is down, either wait till you hit 5,000 miles for it to average up or do a reset, now... And do all the better mileage tips, quick acceleration, 42-40 lbs air, coast to stops, etc...
Had two trips about 9 minutes each tonight in 50 to 58 F dry weather. Cold start, first 5 minutes, 35 MPG average. 55 running average held. Car sat 3 hours. Way back, first 5 minutes 40 MPG. Front tires 36 MPG, rear 34 driving solo, light load Near sea level Nice car it is!
'break-in period' for higher MPGs seems a misnomer (sp?) Got my 2nd gen Aug 2008 (with my couple hundred miles hybrid experience), over 50 MPG at 100 miles on ODO. Same with 2011. We started test drive with 6 miles on ODO. Took a while to warm up, but after 25 minutes, average 51 MPG. Now 140 miles total and this trip is 55 MPG. I must be lucky or the Bay Area is kind to hybrids, 'cause they do well. With a carload of 4, climbing some hills, etc ... maybe lower 40's.
Around here in mid-East SF Bay Area, don't need AC much in Summer, nor heat much in Winter. Even San Jose is hotter than here. Rented 3rd gen 12 times, different units. Always about 55 MPG highway, city. Only Five was closer to 50. Suppose I could do better. Side note - Not saying OP does this, but I get annoyed seeing people blast off from stoplights, and these days I don't even like the sound of a conventional starter starting a gas engine. Reminds me of a car I just traded in. I hope the OP can get better results and be more satisfied. These are fine cars