Is this screen supposed to be an option in the Info display? I can't find reference to it in the manual and I'm wondering if the dealer was supposed to disable it for consumer use and it is only for their use? Thx, --Dan
It came with the NAV option. If you have a package that came with the Nav, then you should have it. Brian
The Maintenance screen(s) are not for consumer use. They're for the dealer and service people. But of course, where there's a will there's a way.... Here's a great user's site that documents what's there:
Funny - my dealer doesn't use the maintenance screen at all - the manual covers their use - so in theory you could use it yourself to remind you of the intervals you'd like to change oil, air filters, coolant, etc. -Rick
I think "Maintenance" and "Secret Hidden Test" screens are being confused. BTW, what's the fastest way to get to the Secret Hidden Test screen that shows how many satellites the GPS can 'see'?...
I press display, then tap the upper and lower left corners of the remaining visible regular window 3 times in succession (up, down, up, down, up, down) and then go to the menu, then GPS section pressing info while doing the lights is equally as quick. Note - while in this screen, you lose radio, bluetooth, and any other navigation you were in. To exit, press Display for 3 seconds or power cycle the car (former being better if driving :-P ).
hmm, the "Bluetooth" button doesn't seem to do anything, even with having the BC package. Anyone know about this at all? I was hoping maybe just maybe I could see something in there that could get it to talk with my other phone. -m.
Sorry for confusing Maintenance with Hidden Test earlier, but I figured we were digging for the "undocumented" stuff. I also have the BC (#9) package and have two connected Bluetooth phones (T616's). Inside the "Hidden Test" settings, if I select Bluetooth I get some numerical adjustment options that are defaulted to 0 but can be adjusted positive or negative. I'll assume that these are probably db Gain adjustments for the Bluetooth signal/connection, but I haven't messed with them since my phones seem to work reliably. I suppose these could be adjusted for phones with weaker Bluetooth transceivers.
I assume for cars with the backup camera in europe or the self park thing in japan. I am too scared to touch anything in the screen. What if I mess it up??
If you're afraid, write down the settings first. There's not a whole lot that can be broken from there. It's the next level in (docs can be found somewhere online) that could cause a bit more harm (still not a whole lot tho). -Rick