After inquiring at a few dealerships in the DC area I get the impression that the inventory for the Vs is low. I am looking for the V 5, without any other options. Does someone have a sense of Toyota's current versus future production levels? Am I likely to have better luck on price towards the end of next month? Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Have you tried . They are fixed price. Selling Vs at Invoice last time I looked. They were able to quickly locate the Camry Hybrid I wanted about 3 years ago. I flew in from Texas to pick it up. Very painless. Unless they offer a rebate, which is unliely on an new model in short supply, I doubt that you will do better than Invoice, which is about $1500 or a bit more under sticker.
We currently have 2 Prius v Fives in stock that are immediately available. We have a few more coming in as well.. The Fives with tech package have been considerably less available and we have a small waiting list for that particular configuration. Our prices are also very competitive as we are currently the largest Prius dealer in the area..(east coast) Please let me know if we can assist further. Sincerely Patrick Coleman Jim Coleman Toyota Bethesda, Md
I stand corrected. Thanks! Of course the pleural of v is now vs. That can, of course, lead to strange expressions: Do you like Prius vs vs. Prius Vs.
Let us know what you find out. I'm curious as to whether Fitzmall is as frendly and helpful as they were back when I bought mine. I suspect that I'lll be in the market for a new one this spring or summer. ..... for that matter, let us know who makes you the best deal. Thanks!