All I really need for my Ipod is to be able to advance the songs from the steering wheel. While a nice interface would be nice, it is not essential. Does anyone know if you can advance the songs using the steering wheel on the '06? I understand that the VAIS does that, but you can only advance what's in your playlist. With 10,000 songs, I don't use playlists and I ain't gonna create over 100 playlists to be able to use the VAIS. Any ideas would be great! Ken
From what I've heard no. It is not an iPod interface, it is just an audio input jack. There are hundreds if not thousands of types of devices that could go there. All of them with different interfaces.
If it's a minijack as we've heard then I don't believe it's possible for it to display the track info on the MFD, if it's capable of doing that then it's possible it can also advance tracks.
Not exactly an MFD integrated solution, but maybe it's what you're looking for: Don't know if the "steering wheel remote" is available as a standalone product (since you won't be needing the cassette adapter)
That's exactly what I am looking for. That will do the trick until there is an IPOD interface that suits my needs. Thanks for the link! Ken