Yeah...but you have to be careful. Many people who live in states where it's legal to carry in your automobile don't bother with CCPs, and thus have to leave their weapons in their cars when parked....unless you pack an automatic. (I used to leave the slide and the magazine in the car, and put the receiver in my pocket... ) I don't like to give somebody a reason to smash out a window only to find out that there's no weapon in the car. Besides......nobody who drives a Prius would ever touch, let alone actually carry or fire a real pistol---right? (*sigh!*) Note for the humor impaired: That was sarcasm.
I've had my Prius for less than a week, so I'm going to hold off judgement as to whether the behavior I'm seeing is Prius hating or just crappy drivers. I'll say this much: I don't drive in the left hand lane, I only use it to pass. I drive with the flow of traffic, cautious not to impede anyone's forward progress, I don't try to impose my idea of good/safe driving on others, I don't care how fast or slow others drive (just leave me alone), I don't hypermile if I'm at risk of slowing someone behind me down (I do it when there is no one behind me), and I always stay as far right as possible. That being said.... I've noticed some really bizarre behavior from other drivers since moving to the Prius. It feels like I'm being tailgated more. But I'm going to give it a month before I say for sure. I do love that the Prius has the power to get out of its own way. It's funny to leave some A-hole in Prius dust and only lose a tenth of a point off the mpg
I get honked at occasionally, tailgated often and flicked off even! Probably doesn't help that I have a lame plate that says SLOBENZ, but still. The car is slow and I thought giving fair warning would maybe give people a laugh. The best is when someone flips out and honks passes me and then I sit next to them at the next light...
It's small cars in general that people like to bully. I've driven big trucks and SUV's for years, and there is a definite feeling of security when driving. I really notice the tailgating and bullying in the Prius, but I think that's how most people drive. I just don't care about it. I get out of the way when I can, and just smile when I glance at the avg. Mpg I get in the Prius. Maybe it's just jealousy they display, maybe they are just unhappy people. Who cares,and trying to teach them a lesson by braking, or blocking only opens the door into your peaceful life. Years ago, while driving my pick-up, another truck backed into me hard at a stop light. Hard enough to bend my bumper I later saw. I chased them down... He pulled over in vacant parking lot. I got out of my truck, so did he. With a gun pointed at me! His wife got out of pas. Side... She talked him down enough to let me get back in my truck and leave. I never reported that, but took it as a message that my life is worth much more than a stupid arguement on the road. So, be careful out there. Screw them, we are winning anyway. Why gloat about it?
I've noticed middle aged motorcycle "gangs" like to roar past from a stop light. I hope they enjoy their hearing loss.
That is a good point. I know since I got my Prius I am much more conscious of burning gas, I can see on the dash display exactly how much gas I am consuming. And I have started accelerating and driving slower, because to stamp on the pedal results in poor mileage. Also I sometimes coast to red lights. As a result I've had a couple of minor incidents of people butting in front of me on the way to a red light. Probably because of the way I am driving. Too bad all cars are not required to have displays showing how fast acceleration hurts gas mileage. Maybe even showing how much in dollars the fast starts are costing. I'll bet that would result in many drivers driving in a more fuel efficient manner.
If you look really close, you can see their stickers that say "Loud pipes save lives" they're just doing their part.
You know, I drive a motorcycle, and I love it... that being said I think many people who ride bikes are f*cking idiots; and I especially can't stand super loud bikes that literally damage your cardiovascular systems due to the vibrations. It's like... enjoy your hearing loss and dying brain cells? I'll never understand the draw to be dangerous on a motorcycle with the excuse "nothing will ever happen to me."
talking about prius hate some person made and not to promote.. no... to hate.. I Hate Prius Drivers | "I'm better than you are! I drive a Prius."
I wouldn't break a sweat over that website. Take a closer look at it. The guy just re-posts the same Toyota/Prius news (safety recalls, etc) and misinformation we've already heard over and over again. Most telling of all, his "articles" have no comments, indicating nobody probably even looks at his website. Lol.
"Situation''? What "situation"? There is no situation. You may be 'green' to PRIUS, but I have been driving one since 2002 when nobody had one. Nothing but positive curiosity and questions about how it works. Now PRII are so common and are all over the place, few ask anymore. PRIUS owners have purchased thousands of PRIUS items and wear/display them proudly. I do. So stop cowering, RaZa. It is your negative thoughts that create a "stigma" -- in your mind. Whip out your PRIUS with pride! OR you could trade it in for a Camry or Ford Focus and be like everyone else and blend in. :kiss: