I am almost always in Eco and rarely switch to power except for some difficult highway merges. What mode do you generally use?
Great idea for a thread topic. Coming from two 2009s, I've never had different modes before the vee so it will be interesting to what modes people use. Driving from LA to Phoenix (72 - 77 mph), I used Normal mode. The car was new and there was a day of LA driving and some hills/mountains involved but I only got 35.5 mpg (calculated) for the first 477 miles. Since we got back, I've been in ECO mode and have done about 80% city driving (45 mph and not too many lights) and 20% highway (65 mph) driving. But for the last 270 miles I've gotten 46.2 mpg (indicated) so I'm a happy camper.
I put it in ECO the day i got it and aside from experimenting for a few mins. when I first got it, I just leave it in ECO
I do realize that this is a v thread but since the Gen III is the same car I thought I would respond. I do mostly highway driving so stay in NORMAL mode most of the time. If I am around town for an extended time (vacations, etc.) I will use ECO for pulse and glide and feathering the pedal to try to improve mpg. I will use PWR mode every now and then for entrance ramps to highways or to make quick starts for lane changing, etc. The fact that you can get the same power from any mode just by the amount of pedal movement makes me just tend to leave it in NORMAL.
Reading your posting, I just realized that there is a big difference between the Gen III and the v - namely that the v does not have an separate "normal" mode. The only choice is between "Eco" and "Power" and an EV mode (thats hardly ever usable).
That is a typical newbie first comment. NORMAL mode is when none of the other modes are selected. You do have a normal mode but it is not a selectable or displayed mode. If you do not have one of the selectable modes displayed then you are in normal mode.
Indeed I did not realize that both explicit modes could be turned off - I thought you could only toggle between Power and Eco. In any case: I did try out normal mode and did not see any great difference compared to Eco. Powen on the other hand does cause a dramatic change in behavior.
Always ECO mode. I still remember how to mash the GO pedal to the floor if required. Honestly, I find the different modes over hyped, but I suppose it is a nice feature to let drivers find the pedal gain they like.
Always ECO. I like the low-end control. My wife always drives in "My husband chose the car" (PWR) mode. She likes it because it's closest to the behavior of normal cars. The Prius is my commuter and the "family" car so my wife switches cars more often.
I found a good use for ECO. It's an easier way to slow the AC blower down than changing fan speed directly.
I've experimented with all three modes, and for my style of driving normal suits me best. (after 11k miles of driving).
When i drive in Eco mode i miss the responsiveness of the pedal, it's like nothing is happening at first. Normal mode fits me best and when i want to sprint i just floor the pedal.
I just passed the 5,000 mile mark so not an expert but getting the hang of it. I drive in the Normal mode most times. One reason I don't need any little extra signs on my dash to light up. I do find the power mode more responsive and will pop it on to make a move on the highway or take off at a light if I got a merge coming up. Not a lot of highway yet but I did use the "Cruise" and the Econo seemed to work well. I still enjoy going to EV when I come into my neighborhood for last 1/2 mile or in a drive-thru.