So I'm removing the hatch trim in preparation for installing my backup cam. I've got the skinny/top part off, and the two top side bits. But the largest plastic covering the bottom half is not coming nicely. I see a slot on each side and the pantomimed photos in various Toyota docs indicate there is something in there to push... but I'm just not getting there. Any hints on removing the bottom back-door (hatch) trim? Thanks much! Pete
I had mine done, but this might help.
The various trim bits on the rear hatch overlap and lock into each other. So it is easier to start with the middle bit first (the one with the slot). You need a suitable tool to pull the trim away. If you look at the center piece closely, you will see a slot. Insert the tool here and pull. This will unhook the centre trim bit from the top bit of trim. Repeat the other side and you can then pop the middle trim piece out. The other bits of trim can then be popped out in order. Refitting is the reverse. Checkout the cheap ebay cam thread and Dan's thread... For a 'suitable' tool, I used a pc slot blanking plate but you can get the real thing...
Thanks, all. Dan's Ottonavi install looks helpful in other ways (eg how to get the mic into the overhead)... unfortunately none of the links actually demonstrate removing the hatchback cover. I'll shoot photos once I get it done. Sounds like the main thing is that for this job I really do need t pry tool. I'll go get one and try again. (Now that I've done it a couple of times, pulling off the plastics around the HU is quite easy with my fingers... )
Did it. Thanks, all! 1) I tried several local auto parts stores. Amazingly, nobody carries the plastic tools anymore, not even Pep Boys (noted recently in the backup cam thread.) 2) The PC Slot 'cover' is a perfect tool: right angle bracket locks into the side slots quite nicely and helps give me a finger hold. 3) PaJa is 100% correct. Once you are able to pull the panel away enough to get fingers in there, it is simply a matter of yanking with enough force. It does still require a bit of care. On my Prius there is some insulation in there and one piece got slightly caught... it was starting to tear as I pulled the trim away. Doing it carefully, I watched and listened and stopped before any damage was done. Again, thanks everyone!