If Insult or humiliation = torture..yes you were...I was being sarcastic here...using the definition given. OK, where at abu-gharib was a prisoner held down while his wife was raped....YOU keep redefining the issue. I said Abu Gahrib was NOT orture. Use examples from there!!!! All I saw was some degrading and humiliating stuff...NO TORTURE!!!
My complaint about Abu Ghraib was not the Lindy England "thumb up" pictures, but the scary stuff: the pictures of the guy strung up by his arms, covered with a black hood, being tortured with electricity and God knows what else. The dehumanizing happens to the torturer, not the torturee. Taking pleasure in such an activity is to surrender your humanity, and is a crime by every metric, including our own. Ordering, or tolerating such activity is criminal, and if you are Commander-In-Chief, you are a war criminal. We shall not, can not, must not lower ourselves to their level. It is both immoral, and even worse, unwise. How many of us have forgotten where Bin Laden learned about terrorist warfare? Or where he got his weapons? How about Saddam? Weren't we the ones training these guys, arming these guys, to fight against the USSR in Afghanistan, and against Iran in the Iran/ Iraq war? It is not prudent to create a culture of hate, to fuel our enemies lust for our blood. Nor is it wise to educate them in the ways of warfare and arm them to the hilt. It makes even less sense to continue sending them money for their black gold. Destroy the demand for oil, and we destroy the terrorists. Isn't that why we all drive this car anyway? Nate
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but what will happen in those middle-eastern countries when we no longer need their oil? Will they establish a market for sand? That is when all hell will break loose!
There are plenty of impoverished nations out there that aren't churning out terrorists. It's a combination of western medding, repressive gov'ts, and poverty that have produced this problem.
Agree with you, there are many impoverished nations not turning our terrorists. I just foresee the terrorist problems getting much worse in that region when the money and the attention are no longer coming. Hopefully I will be wrong, but I think there will be a very dangerous period when the oil dependence vanishes.
I disagree. The core of the problem, is, as it has been for the last thousand years: religion. What we have here is nothing more than a modern day crusade, masked with your conclusion. There will be no peace until the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is resolved.
Better question for you: How many of us have forgotten about those scared to death innocent people who burned to death on 9/11, or were forced to jump? Or perhaps how throats were slit in front of passengers partly to scare them into submission? There are what, close to 3,000 "torture" stories of that day, and countless more if you add in friends and families. People like you seemed to have forgotten such activities, and instead, enjoy dewlling and pointing the finger at us being the "bad guys" for stacking a bunch of naked prisoners in a pyramid. Yeah, we're the bad guys and shouldn't stoop to their level...
Do keep in mind that most prisoners in A.G. are Iraqi and the premise that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11 has been thoroughly discredited.
I don't understand the obsession with Abu Graib. Two of the soldiers involved had been indicted 4 months before it ever hit the media. The military had already dealt with it and had publicly announced the investigation 6 months previously. I'm sure the treatment these thugs received while imprisoned was so-o-o detrimental to their tender psyches. I'm proud to say that I got over Abu Graib 10 or 15 seconds after I saw the pictures and laughed at a female US soldier standing over a pile of stripped thugs.
CORRECT. What impoverished country that is NOT Muslim is churning out terrorists Ding Ding Ding...Correct.....None
The media will just not let that story die. In historical terms what went on at Abu Ghraib was almost laughable and the following media sensationalism was absolutely ridiculous! I found the prisoner abuse very comparable to the Bataan Death March.
Can you imagine the end of World War II playing out today on CNN. All we would hear about would be the fire-bombing of Dresden and the Atom Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and all the suffering that Americans had caused the German and Japanese people. Nary a word about the concentration camps and footage of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor would be deemed too sensitive and would not be shown on any network besides FOX news.
Yeah, and people would say Eisenhauer was a WAR CRIMINAL. and Roosevelt, don't even go there, a cripple homo-hating NAZI!
Wait...maybe I misunderstood your post. Would you repeat that last sentence? edited out misunderstanding