Hey everyone, I have seen these sort of posts on other models and cars and thought it might be worth making one for the 2012 Prius. So here is the deal. If enough people are interested I propose we go to a dealer in the Northern Cali area with a group buy. For example... we go with 10 or so of us and we all put down $500 bucks and order the Prius we want. In return, the dealer should knock off a little of the price for the car. I have dealer contacts in the Reno, and Sacramento area but if people know of any dealers already willing to do such a thing, that would be appreciated. This is more a feeler post, to see who would be interested in doing the group buy. If there is enough interest I will start making the calls to various dealers to see what they offer. And if anyone has experience in this realm, your help would be much appreciated! I just figure, since we are all going after the same car we might as well try and get a good deal on it? Post below if your interested... or if you have a comment or suggestion. =) Thanks! -------------------- So far the list is as follows.... --------------------- 1. Zanrok 2. sa177 3. 1995carolin 4. Chtucker (???) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
As a dealer in Southern CA, I'd like to say that it really doesn't matter to me if you approach me in groups or individually. I make the same great deals for all PC folks... so I never require a gaggle of ya! Not everyone wants their car at the same time, and most important? They don't cost me any less if you buy 5 or 10 as opposed to one. Just an observation!
Hey Minori, Did you order the 2012 regular prius or a plugin? And would you mind telling me what the "lowest price" was? You can PM if u want.
I'm not in the mood to get SHOT by the top brass.. but I can say you're way way way off. I can say there's well under 4% between MSRP and sticker. It's pathetic how little markup the majority of our cars have these days!