I second the Rhino Ramps. They work fine, no scraping. Those metal ramps will be too steep and you will scrape your bumper. Be careful using the ramps. I once let someone else drive my Prius up my ramps before an oil change. I think she either hit the accelerator too hard or the traction control did something funky and ended up kicking the ramp behind the front wheel. Luckily the Rhino ramps are so low that no damage was done. So, just take it slow and steady. If you happen to stop before getting all the way to the top, back down and start again. Don't try to go quickly from the brake to the gas and get the rest of the way up the ramp (this is what I think happened in my little episode). I hope this helps. Scott
I'd second the metal ramps, like Low Profile Ramps with Extension Kit - Griot's Garage I have the plastic Rhino ramps and they've cracked. Still useable but cracked. So the metal ones are going on my Christmas list. - D
Being cheap, I use two paving stones in front of my Rhino ramps. This gives me that two stage climb. It seems to work well for me. I started doing this with my 2000 Insight, which has about the lowest front end I've ever dealt with.
Thanks to all who posted. I've found the source of my confusion. Many threads kept recommending the Blitz Rhino plastic ramps, but when I tried to put the Prius up on mine, it wouldn't go. Turns out I have the 12000's instead of the 8000's. I'll have to shop around a bit. Thanks again,