Satellite Radio Revisited

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by K0NY, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. K0NY

    K0NY New Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    Brooklyn, NY
    Alright, so I think it's really cool to have Sirius radio displayed right on the touchscreen, however the cost of install and inability to remove for home use make it inpractical, in my view. It also doesn't seem to have any of the "replay" features, which I think are good to have.

    Anyway, my plan was to buy a Sportster Replay at like a Best Buy and have them do the install, DIRECTLY connecting the unit, and hiding antenna wires. Problem is, how to directly connect it. I've read a few different threads here about SLU and SLI units. I have a 2005 Prius with the AI package. So I have the JBL disk changer, but not the navigation system. If all I want is to add an Aux 1/4in or RCA audio stereo input that's selectable on the built in unit, what hardware do I need? And if I buy hardware from one of these sites, do you think I'll have a problem having the install guys at Best Buy plug it in?

    Conversly, is it worth even speaking to my dealer (who by the way, completely sucked while I was buying the car from them) about installing such an audio input before I take the car to Best Buy?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. BobR

    BobR Member

    Jan 16, 2005
    Most of the Aux-in devices work by emulating a CD-Changer. If you want to maintain the use of the CD Changer, the only option I know of is the Vais SLU.
    I don't think there will be a problem having the Best Buy guys installing the Vais. The install is the same as the USA-Spec or Aux2Car.
