When I go to look at the status of my order, I get the following screen (personal info removed). I assume others get the same screen. Did it bother anyone else that it might be rather easy to accidentally hit the 'Cancel Order' button?! As example: I just happened to be prompted to download some updates for BootCamp for my Mac while running Windows 7 while on the screen. After hitting the 'accept button', I found the cursor landed directly over the 'Cancel Order' button on the Toyota page. What if I would have 'double-clicked'? Would I have cancelled my order, lost my place in line or my chance to get the PHV??? Scary! (I might have cried...) I'm curious if Toyota has a 'Are you SURE you want to cancel your order?!' screen. I certainly wouldn't trust that they would!
They do ask you if you are sure you want to cancel - I had to cancel my original order as I had made a mistake. My subsequent order went much smoother - it helped having the dealer on the phone at the time.