i went to get a JVC KW-AVX810 double-DIN head unit installed in my one week old 2009 Prius today. The stock 6-speaker system head unit was taken out and replaced by the JVC unit. The installer read the 2004-2008 Prius app note from Metra Electronics, and put in the requisite 68ohm resistor. Once everything was finished up, i did NOT have A/C functions. Resistor was checked for proper resistance, and yes, it was sitting at 68ohms exactly according to his ohm meter. The installer then took the resistor out, and re-inserted 2 30Ohm resistors in its place. A/C came back up! anyone know why this would happen?
Well, first off were the 2 - 30 Ohm resistors placed in series or parallel? If they were in series, that would be 60 ohms. If they were in parallel that would be 15 Ohms. I would think the 68 Ohm selection was to too much, and either 8 Ohms, or 53 Ohms less resistance triggered the circuit properly! Depending on the series or parallel hookup!! Basic Ohms Law!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
just to confirm, the 30 Ohm resistors were in series, bringing up the resistance to 60 ohms - i guess my real question would be: has there been a change in the resistance values in the 2009 model year?
8 Ohms difference is not much of a change. It could be that the other components in the system just require a little less resistence to make it work correctly. Depending on the tolerance of the resistors, 5%, 10%, or 20% you can have quite a range of actual value. You would have to read off the color code, the last color band would tell you the resistor tolerance! The fact that it is now OK, I would not worry about it!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
As previously stated, the difference in value is within the tolerance of anything short of a precision resistor. We see this sort of thing all of the time. You either design for a lot of variation, buy precision resistors, or hand select. Tom
Delgesu, Were you able to find a Dash Kit for your Double Din install in your Prius or did they just fabricate something? Thx, Jon
Hi John, the installer fabricated something for me, but he wasn't happy with it - he basically took two pieces of smoked plexiglass and affixed them on either side of the head unit as a temporary measure. He wasn't able to curve the plexi to match the curvature of the prius dash, in fact, he asked me not to post any pictures of it just yet. He plans to get the existing double DIN kit that's available from Metra, (it's a double DIN kit, that is used to fit single DIN head units only) and then adapating it for this install. I will post pictures once it's set up! (probably next week...) cheers, Mike.
Wanted to follow-up with some pics, now that the install is complete! The installer ordered in the double-din (single DIN unit) adapter plate from metra, then he cut/adapted it to make it fit for my double DIN unit. Overall, i'm very happy with the install, and the service that i received from the shop that i bought the unit from!
Thanks for the follow-up. Its always nice when people do that to help us see how it all worked out. Looks good by the way!
Thank you for the great pics, and information on your install. It looks great! Do you happen to have a model number or link for the mantra install kit that was used?
Hi Guys, That installer did a great job and I too would be interesting in which Metra kit he used BUT.......keep an eye out because Scosche announced the Prius DOUBLE-DIN kit # TA2103B on Nov. 6th. Not sure when it will be available in stores.....BUT should fit the bill with little modification. Thx, Jon
Hey Dman and Jon, the Metra kit that the installer used for this install was the Metra double DIN kit (to fit a one DIN head unit, and a slot underneath) part number: 99-82113. Custom work was then done to fit it for a double DIN head unit, ie: i) cut out the middle part, so that you are left with a left and a right side, ii) used filler to create a straight edge on the inner side of each piece iii) paint to make it look OEM like I was able to find the part at: Metra Electronics - Products hope this helps!
Could you tell me what wattage the resistor is? Also, any tips on how to install it would be cool I have the Metra pdf guide, but have never done soldering before. All I know is that I need to attach to wires via the 68 ohm resistor
Still been searching the net. I have a pretty good collection of pdf's now on Prius stereo installs None of which mention 68 ohm wattage though. But, came across this page: Resistors Am I right in saying it doesn't really matter what wattage the 68 ohm resistor is, as it's probably less that 1 watt which is needed anyway, and I could still use a 5w or 10w resistor, it just means overkill. They will all work, from 1/2w upwards. ??
If you're buying a Metra dash kit they supply you with the resistors in the bag. A few of them in fact. Sorry I didn't take pics of my solder job, wouldn't want anyone to see it actually! But the Metra PDF is clear enough once you get the wires out and look at them. - D
There is a possibility that the change in resistor values had nothing to do with the AC working again. I have installed a few aftermarket stereos in Prii including removing and reinstalling my own stereo a bunch of times. Occasionally I will complete an install using my splice harness method to avoid using a resistor and the AC (MFD) will show the typical error when the oem stereo is removed. Simply unplugging the stereos and plugging them back in fixes the error and it never returns. Why this happens I do not know but I've observed this situation three times. FWIW my first install used the 68ohm method and it worked perfectly.
What are the changes with adding an aftermarket unit? I'm assuming of course that the MFD won't display audio info, but what does the audio "screen" show, just blank? Also, do your steering wheel controls still work, or are they tired in thru the main system? Sprint MoPho (Motorola Photon)
There are no visible changes to the MFD when you keep the factory stereo inline but no truly operational.
I have installed a new double din stereo and im getting the the error message regarding the a/c not being connected. im using a harness which utilises two of the three prius leads plugged into it. how can i get round the problem of the A/C not working there is another lead i can buy which u can control the steering controls. would this make the A/C work or does it have to have a resistor?. please help!.