ordered blizzard white with AT in california and my dealership didn't care to talk about pricing... Order has been submitted, and I expect my tracking number tomorrow. Odd thing is, I kept asking about final pricing and got no answer. My impression was that we needed to agree on price before the order, but this dealership seems happy to just order the car. Did anyone else have this experience?
Did you order it as a pre-registrant off the Plug-in website yourself, have the dealer set a price and then you logged back in after leaving the $500 deposit and confirm the order? Only then are you technically in line for the car. if you just went to a dealership to order one you'll be waiting until that dealership gets one in their regular inventory and sells it to you.
Yes, ordered as a pre-registrant, give my deposit over the phone, then went in to pick up the receipt. The salesman told me they put the order in and that I should have a March car. Seemed od to me given everything i'd read here
I agreed with my dealer in Tucson, AZ on price and gave him my deposit yesterday before ordering today, just so the order, and order confirm process would go smoothly. It worked. The order is confirmed. I'm happy, and I guess the dealer is happy with the transaction.
As a pre-registrant as long as you went back in and confirmed the order ("Digitally" signing your name) after the dealer did his part. You should get an email saying something like "congratulations! your prius plug-in order is complete." If you don't have that the process is not complete. i left my $500 deposit at my dealer over a month ago and made my deal on how much below MSRP almost 1 1/2 months ago... That way today went real smooth.
Just to clarify, you DID go back into the site to electronically sign your order AFTER the dealer submitted their part, right? That's why there is a 96 hour window, to allow the dealer and you as the buyer to complete the entire process.
You should have received paperwork that has the agreed upon price (I forget what step that is on the FAQ's) My dealer gave me the original printout with the agreed upon price and a receipt for the deposit. If you don't have the price how can you agree? Your confirmation "status" on the Toyota site has your final (agree upon) price too [FONT="]$0[/FONT] [FONT="]estimated fees[/FONT] [FONT="]$760[/FONT] [FONT="]total msrp + $32,760 your price + $32,010[/FONT][FONT="]Less Deposit Received[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="]Please note:[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]If you have selected Blizzard Pearl as your color, it will add $220 to the MSRP of your vehicle, since it is a premium option Something to this effect, that is mine with the destination charge and not showing the $500 deposit [/FONT]
Thanks Paradox, just called the dealership again and was told that they have not completed their part yet since they know they have 96 hours... lovely experience this is turning out to be. Appreciate the help here, thank you.
While the topic of the $500 deposit is coming up. Do you people think I have to give the $500 deposit to make it a contract or something. I am confirmed with the order and everything and got my confirmation but my salesman said that he doesn't need to have my $500 deposit because he knows that I want the car and it's not like I'm going to run off and buy it somewhere else.
Well, the car is reserved for you, but your place in the order in which the car is built is not set until the order is complete. Tell you dealer to get the lead out and complete his part. There is no excuse for holding up your order, just because they have the time available.
I didn't give my salesman an option of 96 hours, I gave him an option that if he wanted my business we would "get'r done" I confirmed with him last night that I would be online at 900 am , calling him to let him know when my part was complete and that I am waiting on him to do his part and I will be at the dealership around 1000. I was the weak link (my browser) he looks to have a good future in the car business !!!! It was a pleasant experience except I had planned on looking at a Clearwater blue car to refresh my memory of what they looked like in person but they sold the 2 2012 Clearwater Blue Camrys that were on the lot a few weeks ago.
My dealer (Toyota of Poway near San Diego) did not collect a deposit either. He said it's too much trouble--they'd have to set up a separate bank account to hold onto the funds and possibly refund them later and too much hassle tracking each person's funds to their order. He also said that he knows I want the car and if I don't come through he'll have no trouble selling it to somebody else. I did receive my final "Congratulations, your order is complete" e-mail after finalizing the order. I asked if he'd be willing to match Carson Toyota's $500 off MSRP deal, but he said no due to the fact that they include a free lifetime warranty on the power train. Since I didn't want to drive up to Carson to pick up the car anyway I decided to take advantage of this free warranty. -Kim
sounds like the dealership feels that if they can hold you off for 96 hours, they can name the price and tell you to take it or leave it because it will be too late for you to go somewhere else.
I'm wondering what the requirements are on the part of the customer to qualify for the "free lifetime warranty on the power train." I suspect that you are required to have ALL SERVICE done at the dealership from which you bought your car, for the life of the car. They may also have in the fine print a service schedule that differs from the recommended service per Toyota, mainly in more frequent and complex maintenance. You might void the warranty simply by getting a tire rotation at a tire dealer.
My dealer would only take off 500.00 off the MSRP for the Prius Advanced--was that a good enough deal? Should I have switched dealers? I was in such a panic...didn't know how far to push it??
I called Poway Tuesday and Wednesday, 1st day the "expert" wasn't there and the Internet guy that I was talking to told me that they did not even know the price yet. Yesterday when I called back and talked to Dan (the "expert" on PIP ordering) he told me that they and ALL other San Diego Dealerships weren't discounting at all but were trying to get as much as possible for the PIP even from the pre-registered folks. He said a few other things that made me believe he was clueless. My new found priuschat friend got some kind of "deal" at Mossy and I got a good deal at Chula Vista. I am going to avoid Poway in the future (free Lifetime Powertrain Warranty and all) plus they are over 35 miles from my house.
That depends if you wanted the "advanced" or not. If so, then who cares. But if not, I don't see the point of spending an extra $7,525 just to save $500. I'm still on the fence on if I want the "advanced" or not.
UPDATE: My dealer called to tell my that Toyota has required them to collect a deposit from us after all.
dgarnett, After the Dealer entered the order, you should have gotten an email from Toyota "Prius Plug-in: Order Confirmation" To confirm your order, follow these simple steps: Log in to your account Click "My Order" Click "Confirm Order" to view your order summary After logging in, and selecting My Order tab, you will have a new button that says Confirm Order. Select it and that page has the Dealer's Price. After you Confirm it, you then get another email from Toyota "Your Prius Plug-in Order Has Been Completed" where you can select View your Order. If you haven't done ALL the steps, you'll be waiting longer than you needed to and will just be getting a Dealer car. You still have time. Call the Dealer.