It doesn't happen every time we start the car, but sometimes, we start the car (foot on the break, e-brake on -- I think) and it honks twice quickly. We can't figure out what's going on because we can't replicate it! Anyone had a similar issue?
Your car may have a case of the infamous "Barking Brakes." Here's a thread to read all about it:] If the sound can be reproduced reliably to your dealer/service tech, there is a TSB on it. (Technical Service Bulletin) See post #53. No cheating now! Reading the whole thread is very interesting/informative. If it persists, or you complain loudly/longly enough, there is even a chance that it might be fixed for free. :cheer2: Hope this helps.
There was a case just two years ago about a owner complaining of horn going off and of windshield wipers working for no reason, at the very least, complain often and save the documentation, it could be a precursor of a more serious computer problem.
Awesome. Thanks for the response, sorry for my delay in responding. This work stuff is killing me!! Yes, we're still experiencing the issue, although no issue with the windshield wipers. When we take the car in for that new recall for our year, i'll talk to them about it. I don't think it's the brake issue. Thanks for the info! Kevin
Have you learned anything about honking on startup? My car does that as well. Not always, but just sometimes.
Is it an actual honk or the brakes barking as described above? If it's the brake bark, there is a TSB but since you're out of warranty, I highly doubt it's worth it to pay to get it fixed. IIRC, some folks have solved the problem getting the brakes bled, but that (IIRC) requires Toyota Techstream or equivalent. I have the brake bark and I don't care, due to the above.
Check your 12V. Yours being a 2005 SolarDude, if it is original, you are way overdue. On startup, the 12V initially sags under the weight of the boot procedure, and the body computer can do weird things in a low voltage state, like running the wipers or honking hte horn.
12V battery built-in test procedure: