My wife put a deposit on a 2012 Prius V (model 3) this evening in Blue with Dark Grey. I had a 2008 Prius and she had a 2007 Mini Cooper S, which we both sold earlier this year. I replaced my 08 Prius with a Jeep Liberty CRD (diesel) and she has been driving our Alfa Romeo Spyder. We went in for a blue 2011 Prius (model 2) but it was next to a V. After driving both, she decided on the V but they didnt have it in Blue, so they will dealer trade, hope to have it in a few days. I dont recall all the details but it was a good deal under MSRP, like $26.5k from a $28.something sticker price? The Prius was $21977 from $248xx, but that was for a 2011 Prius. My wife likes the visibility out the back on the V and the small price difference ($800?) between the base (model 2) and the model 3. The dash was nicer and the extra room made it more comfortable (I'm 6'4"). I need to read up on the V, I didnt know we were in the market for it, lots to learn.
Congratulations on the new v, we are really liking ours. We live in snow country so we'll know how much we like it come springtime. Great to see a fellow Pro-gun Conservative driving a Prius.
We also have the v 3, by the way it is a v (lower case), not to be confused with the regular prius which had a V (upper case) models. We got ours about 2 1/2 weeks ago and we are loving it what with the 47.2 mpg average for approx 950 miles so far. This is the displayed mpg. The calculated mpg has been running about 1/2 mpg less than the displayed mpg, but that is only two tank filling so far.
I looked at a Prius V today at Victoria B.C. Canada! What a beauty. 17 inch wheels. moon roof and all black roof [maybe solar?, leather interior, Just beautiful! Price though was not so beautiful, $ 34000 +. Hal