Hi all, new to the forums. Just got my OBDLink tonight and am wondering with this windows version, do you still have to set your USB-Serial to COM7? I have Windows 7 OS and cannot find any way to do this...I do not have the COM & LPT Ports section in my device manager. Any other tips or installation hints are greatly appreciated.!
Welcome to PriusChat AND PriiDash! First install the drivers and connect the OBDLink to your laptop. After that you should see COM port in device manager. If you disconnect the OBDLink then the COM port may disappear from the device manager. Hope this helps. Good luck!
I have installed Windows Priidash version VC 20111021 on my PC running Vista and it runs fine, but when I install it on my laptop running XP it fails to start. An error message says "This application failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix the problem", it does not. Any help would be most welcome.
What is the DOS Shell saying? Post a screen capture if you can. Installation of the VCP for the FTD Chip or whatever USB-UART Chip that is being used by the OBDII Bridge may have selected the next available COM Port and it may not be COM7. To verify this you may want to run Stnterm avialable from https://www.scantool.net/scantool/downloads/archive/utilities/ which should indiace which port the driver want to talk thru. This hint is in FAQ. The SW will be looking for COM7 and you may be able to change it there, I am not sure. It is possible to change it at the Device Manager, COM Ports, Advanced Level. A change warning may be issued by Windows if the port is being reserved by an earlier application. Caution is required here is required if you are not familiar with how to restore USB Ports. ccdisce.
The program does not start at all only windows error message. If I start the program on my PC (vista) it does not matter what port I use or even if the elm unit is not plugged in the program will start then give an error in the DOS screen. I have loaded the complete program on a portable hard drive and tried it on friends PC's and lap tops (all vista) and it runs fine, but will not run from this hard drive or the program loaded normally on my laptops own hard drive running XP. The port I use on the laptop is com7 confirmed in device manager, but as stated before this should not stop the program from running as the correct port and baud rate can be selected on the control panel screen of Priidash, this is confirmed on friends computers using different com ports.
The only thing other than VC redistributable that I could think of is one of the libraries: Boost::thread, X11, and FLTK. However you said it runs fine even on your friend's PC which presumably doesn't necessarily have the libraries. This does bring back a memory that last time I tried I couldn't get the Windows version of FLTK to work on my XP laptop. Sorry I can't be more helpful. I hope SteveDH will come to rescue us soon.
sorry I do look here now and then but its been a bit quiet of late, thanks 2009Prius for messaging me. I'm running it fine on my xp laptop. are you using this version priidash_VC_20111021.zip there was a problem with an earlier version which I had done as a debug build as it was asking for debug dll's but that was fixed with me building a release version. do you have xp service pack 3 installed, not sure if that may be related to the issue, but it might be worth a shot. also does it create the log file? and have you setup a f drive etc? thanks Steve p.s. I've setup notifications so will be able to respond faster next time
Thanks for coming in on this Steve, yes I am running service pack 3 and the version I am running is VC20111021.No error log just windows error message "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem". John
Forgot to say ports all set correctly also mileage text and OBD log files. This runs perfectly on five other computers I have tried it on but they are all vista. The laptop I wish to run this on does not have a big enough hard drive to run Vista (its an IBM 600E just over 6GB) and was going to use it just for Priidash. I am using the same ELM device as you and I too have a 2008 Tspirit.
I'm running it fine with xp so you shouldn't need vista. ok looks like you're missing a dll or something, I'll see what I can do to identify it, it would help if the error was more meaningful, although could you check you have ok at the looks of things you need Microsoft.VC90.CRT redistributable which I think you can get from Download: Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details Its late here now so I'm off to bed, but could you let me know if that works or not and if not I'll investigate further.
Thanks Steve for your valuable help, that fixed the problem. The strange thing is I already had VC 2010 redist x86 installed but as soon as I loaded VC 2008 everything worked fine. John.
good to hear, that was written using 2008 so maybe thats why, I stuck with 2008 for the time being as most of the sdk's I use don't yet support 2010.
OK I am done merging and it works nicely under CygWin. User can now enter some initialization parameters in the main control window, which will be auto saved in INI_Settings.xml file (auto created; no longer need ODO.txt): odometer (mile or km), serial (COM) port name and baud rate, fuel (US gal, UK gal, or liter) and distance (mile or km) units, fuel cost. Added some tool tips. Under Windows I managed to compile the same code with VC++ 2010 Express but the exe file would crash right before showing any FLTK windows. I guess there is something wrong with one of the run time libraries but I don't know how to fix it. All the example projects that came with FLTK 1.1.10 compile and run fine without any problems. I also tried to run the exe file from SteveDH's latest version on a different computer and got the same problem: an hourglass shows once the cursor is moved inside one of the FLTK windows. The code is uploaded to the same place: http://sourceforge.net/projects/priidash/ Hopefully SteveDH will have time to compile a working Windows exe file for us soon.
Compiled it and it runs ok (had to comment out a reference to timeval). But, it wont exit cleanly, seems to be stuck in a thread or something, I'll try and look in the morning, but tomorrow is quite a complicated day for me so you may have to wait. btw compiled with 2008 (work reasons, and using the project files that were ziped with my last exe). also I used fltk1.3 and boost 1_4_7. not sure why you get an hourglass with my previous exe, very odd.
I was fiddling with the IDE settings when all of a sudden it no longer recognized timeval. It should have been in <time.h> but somehow I had to add that for the compiler to work at the time. It's a good sign that you had to comment it out since it shouldn't be there at the first place. You exit the program by clicking on the "X" icon at the upper right corner of the main control window, right? If you run from the command window it will display all the threads' starting and ending. I am using VC++ 2010 Express, FLTK 1.1.10 and Boost 1.44. I don't think the slight version differences should matter. I will try to import your project file and see if that helps. Thanks! Update: tried to import the project and solution files. Had to specify fltk and boost include and library directories and library files. Built successfully. Still crashes right before the windows show.
Yep, when I clock on the 'X' icon of the main control window (a command window opens even when I double click on the exe) hangs with 'waiting for runUI() thread to end. clicking on 'x' on the command window seems to shut it down though. I've had similar issues before, I've had a quick look to see if there are any changes since my version that may have caused that, but couldn't spot any. I notice you removed some waits, which may effect things, specifically wait(0.1f); I added to the end of readandlogdata, and perhaps I should have commented. better, you may have fixed this issue elsewhere, but I don't have time today to properly run this. I had to add this because the code which initialled the obd settings skipped some values when I ran it in release mode, adding this fixed that. maybe because I'm still using 2008. have you tried running it in debug mode from the ui, if you're lucky it should crash, give you a call stack etc, and allow you to debug. don't you love pc's and the variety of windows os's they come in
That's right I haven't touched any of the threading stuff. Odd. Did you mean this: in UI.cpp? I do have a wait() but after the print: Please let me know if it is critical to have the wait() before the print. On a separate laptop I freshly installed VC++ 2008 Express, freshly compiled FLTK and successfully ran all the test programs, freshly installed Boost using Windows version installer. Then I built the PriiDash project with some necessary changes to the project properties: But after a successful build the program still crashes right before any of the windows show up (except the command console window of course). Update: thanks for the hint to use the debugger! Windows doesn't like fclose() on a null pointer. Now the license and gauges windows show up but the main control window doesn't... Update again: running with debugger to see why the main control window doesn't show. Noticed this line in the Output window: