Ok so im looking at buying a Prius. I was interested in the Prius C but my friend works at a dealership and they just got a 2008 Toyota Prius in with 47,000 miles for $16,000. He said that it has the smart key, upgraded audio and backup camera as well. Would you wait for the Prius C to come out or do you think that is a good deal on the 2008 Prius. Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
That is a good price on a Prius. I was considering a used one as well. In the end I felt spending $7000 more was worth it for a brand new one considering how advanced the vehicle is. If the last owner didn't care for it/drive it properly that could spell trouble down the line. Of course if it is Certified used Toyota you do get a great warranty. But there is always that new car smell...
are you trying to decide between used or new? or prius and prius c? big difference and tough to give advice on.
Ultimately only you can answer the question as to what vehicle you want. Is this a Toyota Dealership? Is it a "Certified Used" vehicle. Has it been checked out? I'd never buy a used vehicle without having it checked out. Do you plan, or do you typically keep a vehicle a long time? A 2008 is already 4 model years old. You could easily drive it for another 10 years, but it will depreciate rapidly over the next few years. So another thing to ask yourself is what you think you will be driving 3 years from now. If the vehicle checks out? And I'd do as much towards that end as possible, including a Carfax and a authorized Hybrid technician checking it out. That's not a bad price. But in the end? Only you can decide if you want a "new" vehicle with a full warranty...or if you want the immediate savings of a pre-depreciated used vehicle. You are also comparing what will be a sub-compact sized vehicle to what is much closer to a standard compact/mid-size.
Think about how much space you need. The Prius c is a smaller car. Think about your feelings regarding used cars: Are you comfortable with a used car? Think about your budget. If you have to borrow money to buy a car I'd go with the least expensive option, since going into debt is always a bad thing (in my opinion). How soon do you need a car? I like small, and I don't like used, so on both grounds I'd lean towards the c. But those are just my preferences. OTOH, if I needed a car and had to borrow money to get one, I'd get the least expensive one I could.
Right now I am driving a 2004 Buick Rendezvous. I bought it used so that part does not worry me. The car is coming from a local nissan/volkswagon/audi dealership and my friend is the salesman. I dont really need a ton of space as I am single and am mainly looking for a nice car that will get awesome MPG. I dont need a car anytime soon as mine is payed off and runs great just would like something with better mpg. I had my current car for 6 years now. Id like to get the best deal so I guess is the $16000 2008 (47000 miles) a better deal then a brand new $20000 60 mpg smaller vehicle?
oh and yes I will be having to take out a loan and would obviously like to keep payments as low as possible seeing the reason for switching cars is to save money.
kbb around here is $16,800. based on excellent condition. doesn't sound like a great deal but maybe a good one if it's in really nice shape and had proper oil changes.
How many miles do you drive in a year? If it's less than 20,000 then the car you have now will probably be cheaper in the short run. Bank the difference between payment+gas and gas only. Then in a year or two/three you will have more cash for a down payment.
You might save money only if the switch to the Prius was over many years of ownership, gas prices jump over4 dollars per gallon, and your loan was at very low rate. If your current car is paid up and working well without any major repairs then shopping for cheaper car insurance would be the fastest way to save money. Initial savings in fuel efficiency from a new car is off set by higher car insurance premiums + the extra cost of buying a new car. Buying a used Prius gen2 with comparably lower car insurance would probably save you more money in a shorter time frame than the a new Prius C with higher car insurance. In all cases, a car loan costs more than the car itself - so extra care is needed when applying and selecting a loan. if I have not dissuaded you from buying a Prius... 1. If you live in the northern part of Wisconsin and you can park your Prius inside a garage every night then consider installing an electric block heater onto your Prius to raise your MPGs in the winter. If you decide to buy a used Prius 2. have another hybrid trained mechanic checkout and ok the car's condition before you purchase it. 3. have atleast $3k in reserve after your purchase for the next two year for any necessary repairs 4. check the tires to see if they are in good condition. If they are not then consider replacing them with low rolling resistant tires.
I like my 2008 and have put 75000 miles on it. I get 50mpg in hot weather, 42 in cool, 35 in winter. Only problem is a wind whistle on driver's side. I did not and will not buy a newer prius because the center console bridge rubs on my kneecap and is very uncomfortable. The designer must be a a four foot tall trekkie. He/she/ or it has to learn that Capt Kirk is old now and wants comfort over style.
As much as I think the Prius is a better technology, if you have to borrow, I'd recommend the cheapest RELIABLE and economical car you can find. According to KBB a 2008 Honda Civic DX would be around $11,000. Saving $5,000 would buy a lot of gas. If it really must be between the 2008 Prius and the Prius c, I'd again take the less expensive used 2008, for the same reason: to reduce your loan. It is my personal opinion that credit is a trap that is far more dangerous and harmful than it often appears.
Unless you have reliable extra income wherein you can pay off the loan in, say, one year. And borrow as little as possible or nothing for a car.
Hmmm, I've got 35" legs and clearance. Sure your seat wasn't slid back far enough? BTW, the McLaren MP4-12C exotic car has a .......... floating bride console in it. 2nd pic over 2nd down Gallery - McLaren Automotive.com
If the flying buttress rubs on a person's legs, can't you just accept that? Why must you defend this car at all costs? It's just a car—you know, four wheels, takes you from here to there.
Pssst. The V will get about the same mpg as your 08, has TONS more cargo room, AND it doesn't have the full bridge of the 3G.
I am not agreeing with you on this. I work just off-street of where I live and I don't drive much, but I still own a nice piece of Prius myself, and it's expensive as hell. Way more expensive that what I would pay if I had kept my old Golf V3... and I'm talking about only 6-7K miles per year.. So he has a lot more factors to consider in my opinion.
I'd wait and check out the prius c. The dealers may not discount it right away though, I had to pay sticker for my gen III. A 4 year old gen II versus a new car for only 25% more, would move me to the c. Loans on new cars are typically at a lower interest rate. Some things will be down graded from the gen II, but other things will be better. It will probably be until at least June though before you can test drive a c though.