I'm curious if anyone has seen a Prius v on the road - other than the one you were driving in! Also has anyone approached you when you were in and out of the car to ask you about it? I haven't seen any here in DC - except for mine!!
I just bought one 2 days ago. A model 5 without tech package and moon roof. Curious to know how much you paid for yours in your area. I paid about $1000 below the MSRP.
I haven't seen any v on the road in the NY City area so far (apart from mine of course). These cars seem to be a bit slow getting to the Northeast. Most of the people I see posting here seem to be in California.
I don't drive a v, but haven't seen one on the road yet, other than ones available for test drive at Green Drive Expo in September. I saw a couple on the lot at a Toyota dealer last week.
I have only seen one other v on the road. It was another white pearl and I saw it in my neighborhood.
I've seen one other on the freeway, a Clear Sky. It was near the dealership in Milpitas, CA so at first I thought it might have been a test drive, but if I recall correctly, it was before the dealership opened, so my bet is that it was an owner.
nope, haven't seen any other prius v on the road before or after I bought mine (1 week). In fact, if they hadn't had the car on the dealer lot, I wouldn't have bought the car. Last year I looked at the prius 2011 and didn't care for the look, it felt too confined. This car is exactly what I was looking for and so far love it. Oh and I live Northeast and the dealer in my town had the one I bought and one more came in a few days later. When I was at the dealer today they told me they have a lot of orders for specific colors and models. Mine is dark blue.
I saw a Blizzard Pearl Prius v about 2 weeks ago. I was merging on to the freeway, checked my blind spot and saw a Prius-esque vehicle. I realized it was a v and since we were basically side by side, I decided to let it pass me and I would slide in from behind. The only thing was the driver decided to slow down even further, matching my intentions. After some indecision, I decided I had to speed up and merge in front. By the time I merged I was only going 50 mph on the freeway due to this mixup which undoubtedly pissed everyone off behind me. Finally the Prius v decided to pass me on the left, and I noticed the Prius v had California dealer plates, the ones with three small letters to one side. The Prius v was so new that I doubt anyone had actual plates for it at the time.
There's one I see in my work parking lot for the last couple weeks. I didn't like the pictures of this car, but in person it looks really nice.
Our neighbor who lives about blocks away, has one. She actually has had it since September or very early October. I think she ordered from a Dealer in Bellvue, WA. She is reason we now own one, we stopped and looked at hers and took it for a spin around the area. We would have bought a Forester if we hadn't heard about the v.