I recently installed a Sirius Satellite radio kit in my 2005 Prius. I made a FULL video of the dis-assembly and re-assembly and put it on YouTube to help other needing to dismantle their Prius dash. I can send you a link if you need it. Anyhoo... I have a problem I am hoping someone can help with. The radio works perfect (WHEN IT DECIDES TO) I get into the car for the first time in the morning, turn the car to ACC and the SIRIUS does not get recognized, I switch it to ON and it is still NOT recognized... I drive the car for 10 mins... still no joy. If I shut the car down and turn it back on immediately, BINGO the sirius is recognized... Wth? Does anyone have any insight it this issue? What needs to be done? Could it really be defective units? I am using a SCC1 Tuner and an AudioVOX TOYSC1 PLEASE HELP
Sorry I don't know a thing about your radio problems but thanks so much for the video of the dis-assembly and re-assembly of the dash. Very well done.
Have you had any luck? I have the same exact problem. I'll turn on the car and the screen won't go beyond 'Loading.' I'll turn the car off and back on again and it works immediately. I've had mines installed for a few years now and it's only started acting up within the last few months. I'm leaning towards the Sirius unit being faulty.
I have the exact same setup, self installed, and it has been mostly fine. A couple of times in the last few years it would freeze up and a simple fuse pull takes care of that. Have you tried a fuse pull? How about the connectors? They are not very secure - I wire tied and taped mine to be sure they don't pull out. By the way, I installed the antenna in the spoiler (fully documented here on PC) and am very happy with it.