Many threads about towing and hitches... could not find a picture of the Hidden Hitch installed? Please post if you have one. I would like to determine how "hidden" this hitch model actually is. Thanks!
If you are referring to the eyebolt that is located with your spare that attaches to one of the small squares in front bumper when you take the square off ..its in the manual.
Hidden Hitch is a brand name for a trailer hitch. The same company is also DrawTite and other brands Hidden Hitch yyyiikess does not list a location, so I have no way to locate a nearby dealer. Here is an installation video, they give both part numbers, but the physical hitch has DrawTite printed on it. Trailer Hitch Installation - 2010 Toyota Prius Video |
from what i've seen.. for a prius they are all basically the same. some are built better than others.. but they all stick out to a point. they will all tow more than the car can handle.
Chimo - Thanks much for posting up the picture!!! I owe you one. Jimbo - good info! I had no idea that they were owned by the same company and probably the same product. No wonder they look so similar! Internet search indicates that even Reese is owned by the same parent company. Etrailer has both brands listed with the exact same spec but with different prices. Draw Tite label is less expensive - the decal must be $20 cheaper.
This is a truly "hidden" hitch: from Torklift Central (in state of Washington). Very inconspicuous. Unfortunately, they did not respond to my query for information. Anyone here using this one?
Silly Aside: In my youth I drove by Torklift Welding - Trailer Hitches in Kent WA. I misread their sign as Forklift Weddings - Trailer Hitches which puts a whole different spin on Trailer Hitches, it is a flatbed wedding. As I watched the two videos, the Drawtite did not require any plastic undercarriage removal, One person did the entire install while talking, while the Hidden Hitch is all about carving the plastic up to get it to fit after installation of the hitch.. I sure would not consider the Hidden Hitch a self install., at one point it took three techs
Has anyone run into a problem where dealer tried to void the warranty upon seeing the installed hitch?
Yes. For bikes is the primary purpose. It can also be used with a cargo box. Others have used hitches for towing light weight trailers like a kyak.
Try this link Prius Stealth Trailer Hitch you may order one now, free shipping to the 48 States. This hitch appears to be more heavy duty than the curt hitch and comes in both 1.25" or 2" varieties.
Stealth hitch sure looks like a lot of work. I got the Curt hitch, took me less than 20 min to do on my own, no trimming necessary. Draw Tite is the same deal, quick, trimless instalation.
Agree, but I wanted the more stealthy look and willing to do the extra work with trimming. The company never responded to my emails so I gave up on that idea. I ended up going with a Draw Tite. Installation was easy... (after I had a neighbor hold the hitch in place while I threaded the bolts). Are you using it for a bike rack... which one did you go with?
Just saw your post - thanks. This is the same company I attempted to contact. Had they responded, I would have purchased it. Very clean look.
The others have posted decent pics so I won't bother. Mine was an easy install with the correct socket and long enough extension. I left off one bolt under the end of the muffler on the right side because I was lazy and couldn't reach it. I used a floor jack to position the hitch prior to bolting it down. I've only used it to hold a big luggage box for one long road trip so we could keep the area behind the seats reserved for the dog. Worked great once I re-welded the rack (not hitch) so it didn't drag on the ground over the smallest bumps.
I want to see more picture of "hidden hitch" as it seems to have triangular shape, which makes it less visible.