I know, this will be hard for many to take, but I had to do it. Don't shed tears, everything will be ok. I changed my screenname from AdminCoop to Danny so that I would be more personable with everyone and so that I wouldn't get anymore of the "Hey Admin Guy" references Now back to your regularly scheduled PriusChat...
Just "Danny"? Not "Lord Danny" or "PriusChat Overlord" or "King of All He Surveys"? Hey man, live a little! :mrgreen: PS It's very intuitive.
Danny: I'm so-o-o-o-o-o bummed. It's way easier to bust AdminCoop's chops. I just can't bring myself to bust yours. Welcome to the fold, Danny-Person. Bob
WHO IS THIS DANNY AND WHY IS HE TAKING OVER PRIUSCHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! This will truly be ...uh... something or another. Sorry, ran out of steam on this post. Perhaps I'll try again later. -m.