Why is the range so poor with this OEM remote? I have to stand within 10ft and then it will work. This is pretty inconvinient when i'm inside the office and can't even check if i locked the car from 30ft of distance. Is there anyway to improve reception? extend the antenna or make it more "accessible" to the remote?
When I used to do car stereos ages ago, we always used to get "extended range" from remotes by just pressing it to the underside of your chin, uses your body as the antenna. Looks silly, but does work. In fact I did this with my Lexus about 3 months ago, the battery was getting old and I was inside my office. Wasn't sure if I armed it or not. So for kicks, I stood at the window and tried to arm it, didn't work. I stuck it to my chin and it did Ken
Oh Ken, I have so many smart responses to that one, ranging from the conductivity of dental fillings to Gilroy garlic breath, But I digress..... To get to the point of the question; and I postulate from being a radio operator for 30+ years. The greatest range problem is when there are other transponders (cars/keys) nearby. My experience in a crowded lot is about the same as yours. Out in my driveway I have communicated 50 feet. You could check the voltage of the remote battery, low voltage will reduce range. I have seen one battery with a poor connection on the contacts. Lot of other factors but that's my first thought and I think mentioned here before. But if you have a lot of fillings...........hope no one is watching!
My remote works well up to ~25' to 30' (haven't tried it over 30') - Sometimes, I forget to lock my Prius (or am not sure I did) and lock it in the driveway from my living room windows - about 25'. Always works, and the CR2032 battery in my fob is the original. My Prius was manufctured in November 2003 (My Prius is an early '04).
mine works at over 100 feet EASILY. i would get your remote checked out. something is wrong somewheres
100ft?! Wow, i can't even get 10ft in L.A. I used to be able to get about 250ft with my previous VIPER alarm; that was sweet.
the range varies but i work at a place that employs 600 people but we only have 100 parking spaces so we have remote parking across the street in a lot that is shared by a business that has bankers hours. so at night (it gets dark at 4 here in the winter) we walk across a deserted parking lot to the back where our cars are parked and we have had several "remote" wars... have yet to meet my match in this regard. AND unlike my competition, who appear from a distance to be signaling ET's, i keep my FOB in my pocket when unlocking my car. this is how i found out that when unlocking the door, if you dont open it within 30 seconds, it locks itself again. something added to protect against accidental button pushes.
I know this thread is old but has anyone found a way to get a better range out of the wireless fob?? I have had this issue since day one and replacing the batteries don't fix it. I have tried different brands as well. It's crazy to only have ten to 20 feet of distance from the vehicle. With my 2001 gmc pickup with factory fob I can get over 300 ft. I know they are two different vehicles but there has got to be away to extend the range.