It does a good job holding my phone with the Otterbox case, but how do I clean down in those little groves? What works best, cloth or brush and what cleaner does a good job?
Can't say I never really needed a cleaner for my dash, I just wipe it with a micro fiber towel to remove dust. But Griots Garage interior cleaner is a great mild cleaner and has many uses even in the home and micro fiber towels are best to use for cleaning or general dusting etc.
Thanks, I'll try the micro fiber cloth and see how that does. Checked out your Facebook link, good stuff there too.
I 2nd the microfiber towel suggestion. You might want to just use plain water to clean. What kind of gunk is accumulating on your dash anyways
There was a thread about this long ago about cleaning the dash plate. If you have kids with sticky fingers touching the dash or it somehow got messed up, a micro-fiber cloth alone might not be enough. I got into a tussle with some members here when I suggested using GREEN FORMULA Windex to clean the dash. I have used that product many times with good success also using a clean old white t-shirt. I can now also recommend another product that revived my somewhat sun-baked dash plate: ArmorAll NATURAL FINISH detailer protectant. It will not put a sheen on the dash plate and leaves it looking fresh and new. For that application, your dash plate should first be clean and you will need a micro-fiber cloth to apply it.
I already know... I'm a fastidious cleanfreak. Every morning, I take a soft toothpick in hand along with an LED headlamp and magnifying glass. Then starting near the windshield driver side, lightly draw the toothpick toward the dash front. Then continue for each squiggle groove. When the dash is done, I clean out every perforated hole in each leather seat cover. Of course, also go thru each tire tread for little stones and such. By 1:30 PM, car's done and I start the car... Every day. My therapist says that may be a bit overboard. I haven't told him about my shower routine yet...
I use Armor All (wipes) and they have done a fantastic job! Never been a fan of high glossy oily dashboards but just running a wipe over the dash seems to give it a nice simple sheen and helps with dust removal.
I used a microfiber cloth and worked like a charm, wish I'd had the toothpick suggestion first, I have a headlight and magnifying glass, wish I had thought to use that.