OK, recently the remote locking buttons have been acting weird. The locking system itself may be to blame but let me elaborate. Lately I've been trying to lock the car with the remote, but sometimes it will beep once, lock the car, then immediately unlock it. This will repeat if I try it over again. If the car is locked, the remote at times will not unlock the car and twice I've had to manually unlock it. Also, when I try to lock the car on the inside from the driver door, all doors will lock except for the driver door. The button on the door will move about half way, then go back to the unlocked position. So what gives??
Sounds like you should have the driver's door lock mechanism lubricated. If that door lock can work smoothly then your other problems may go away.
Patrick, Didn't think to ask before. Is what you mentioned something I could do? Or am I better off just taking it in to the guys that know what they're doing? :noidea:
Well - you would have to remove the inside door trim panel to gain access to the door lock mechanism. If you have not done that before you would be better off visiting your local Toyota dealer or maybe a local auto upholstery shop.
Are you still on the original 12 volt battery? If so, it's almost certainly in need of replacement. Although I haven't heard of these symptoms, a bad 12 volt might cause them. I would do http://priuschat.com/forums/newbie-forum/73400-weird-stuff-happening-mpgs-dropping-test-battery.html after the car has sat overnight.
The inner door panel is remarkably easy to remove and does not require specialized tools. If you are not the DIY kind of person then you may want to seek help. A quality stereo shop can also help you if the dealer asks for too much. Stereo shops often install aftermarket door lock systems and can be quite knowledgeable.
As an unrelated question, why do you lock your car using the fob? One of the great features of SKS is not having to touch the fob: you can leave it tucked inside a pocket or purse. Tom
cwerdna, I'm not tech but I don't think it's the 12V. It starts just fine and I've had no other weird issues other than the ones i've mentioned. qbee42, Just personal preference really, but there have been times when I try to lock it from the inside, drivers door won't lock, then I'll just try using the FOB to lock from the outside and that's when my Prius gets rebellious. It's a little :crazy:.
First of all the 12V battery has nothing to do with starting the car's engine, that is accomplished by the large traction battery. The 12V battery runs all the computers, so if your 12V has a bad cell or is over 60 months old it might just be time to replace it. Also you might want to check the battery in the FOB; CR2032 I think is the correct replacement.
I actually did that just a couple months ago. I'll try the diagnostic technique mentioned in the link provided by cwerdna. I'll post what I find.
Yep, absolutely correct. Prius has no dedicated starter motor either. A Prius with low 12 volt will NOT exhibit symptoms of slow cranking or a starter motor being unable crank. It sounds like the OP is on the original 12 volt which is almost guaranteed to be bad at this point.
OK, I did this diagnostic as recommended. (in the morning) It sounds like it may be the 12V. The display indicated 12.1 after "vehicle signal check" and 12.0 after putting a load on the battery. After entering "ready" mode it displayed 13.9. The symptoms are just a nuisance at this point so I'll hold off on a new 12V short term. I'll perform this check again soon.
Even though the 12-v. battery does not "start" the car, it is responsible for booting the computer. If it dies, the car will not go into Ready mode. If it is weak, it's a good idea to replace it and not wait for it to die. In a 2004 that battery is between 7 and 8 years old. That's a LONG time for that little battery. Even if your door-locking problem is just a matter of lubrication, I'd replace a battery that shows signs of aging.